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A while back, I found Winged Ones and immediately fell in love with the characters and plot. I've spent easily over 10 hours on that game, and I'm a fast reader, but I was just absolutely amazed by the execution of ideas in the story. The descriptions were so vivid, the music fit the storyline perfectly, and it was overall an incredibly immersive experience. There haven't been many books or movies that made me cry, but the way the writing just makes you so attached to the characters makes everything feel so much deeper. I'm super stoked for the full release of Bermuda, because if your past work is any indication, it's going to be amazing. Good luck with the rest of the work you have to do, and don't worry about time- it's gonna take a lot more than releasing a game later than anticipated to deter us.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding, GayTree! QuQ 

Time has always been my biggest worry, but to see so many people trust me is the greatest gift you've all given me! 

I'm also really happy to hear you like my art >\\\< I still have so many things to learn and to improve, but I'll definitely do my best to reach your expectations! 

I can't wait to begin programming myself since that's where the true polishing begin, but I can say with confidence that the plot is going as planned and things are looking up so far! I only wish I can write faster :"D 

On the other hand, I'm impressed you managed to finish Winged Ones in 10 hours! O.O; tell me you didn't play until dawn -of course, I'm glad to hear you got so immersed you forget the time, but don't forget to eat and take care of yourself >< Bermuda is double or even triple the length of Winged Ones so I don't suggest you finish it in one sitting ><;;

Thank you for lifting my spirits, GayTree! I hope to see you around!

