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(1 edit)

problems I've faced:
Running 16:9/16:10 1680x1050 and UI is not matching

some times in dialogue the game can freeze, everything around is moving but can't proceed with dialogue

when talking to NPC momoiro? momo---whatever, there is option to "date" her ( and from what I tested, she's the only one , but could've missed some, and the moment you press either baseball or study the dialogue freezes 

The signs that meant to show the way are incorrect

the dodge is somewhat unresponsive, was holding S and D to dodge, but the character proceeded dodging forward

during combat some NPC started walking in air, and shortly after dropping down (*pretty bad assassins if you ask me*)

not sure if that was end of demo or bug: at 19:00 you can't go to sleep, and after redeeming the firework tickets, can't do it again, so the game got stuck at 19:00(Night), couldn't play basketball,attend classes or gym etc ( says " im not ready to go the sleep yet " or something like that )

Could you add more graphical options or at least option to disable Bloom?

TheArkGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor - in GameUserSettings.ini I changed postprocessing to 0, but the game still had bloom, not really big fan of bloom

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Hi Gaz2210, 

16:10 ratio fix will be completed in a few hours time. 
Could you please provide time stamp and place where the game freeze and you are not able to proceed?
There is a bug involving Momoiro when a player ask her for a date. The option meant to be greyed out as we are still working on dating system to make it an enjoyable and fun experience. This problem have been addressed and will be pushed on the next build along with the 16:10 ratio problem. 

The signs have been fixed too but it won't be pushed on the next build as we are adding more secret location for the map. The fix for the sign will take place at the end of this week, thank you for pointing it out.

Combat is still in a very alpha stage, we have considered to not include the combat for the Alpha but since it's one way to make an interactive game loop we decide to present the Combat as it is. Re-working the combat is part of the road map and will be done in the Third Phase of major update.

When you have finished the prologue you can do an activity at the Gym however Kunoe is only around in the afternoon. Firework ticket is a redeemable item, once redeem the player will not be able to attend to the same event without possessing another ticket. The demo officially ends with the firework but player may still comeback to the game to explore the world.

Graphic option is part of our road map. More settings option will be added in the future and you will be able to access it inside the game. We are aware of people being lost due to vague navigation. World map and Goal Finding system is part of our future plan, we hope to address the issue in the near future.

Thank you for playing the game and your valuable feedback! 


it was 19:00, I couldn't do any activity like baseball, and when I tried to go to dormitorium to go to sleep I got error saying something something " I'm not ready to go to sleep yet "

and if talking about dialogue, it was random, it froze twice when trying to redeem ticket, 7:00 ( straight after combat mission )
once was when talking to ( don't remember name ) ( the one that invites to play baseball ) but don't remember the time

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Baseball area closed at night time. You should be able to sleep at 19:00, is there anything that comes in mind to recreate this incident?

this is what I did:
at 7AM went to play baseball
then went to do gym activity
( got message about " what colour I am today " ( or something like that ) ( chose red ), someone run to me, and said something about cookies/sweets 
got another message about the baseball, and what's with that AI!?! never missed, and at the last 2 balls it got perfect, I know it's AI but give her some sort of brakes
then it was 19:00, went to dormitory and when I wanted to go to sleep i got error " I'm not ready to go to sleep yey "

Hi Gaz2210, sleeping gets disabled at the end of the game. You can re-load the game to do different activities or explore the level some more but what you experience is the end of the Prologue. 

The AI can miss but she's just good at it :). Game variation and difficulty will be added later on. Risa is one of the best baseball player in the Ark so naturally it will not be soo easy to beat her.