This game is fun to play AND looks fantastic. The flowy hand-painted look fits nicely into the theme of playing a toddler. I love how the monsters transformed into furniture and back again.
I the first playthrough I must have spawned inside a monster because I couldn't even move before there was a loudish noise and then the game over screen. But this wasn't a real setback since the rounds after that went nice and smooth. I decided on ending it with 20 cookies because I didn't want to be the one responsible for this poor child getting a stomach ache.
I found the audio a bit strange since there wasn't any music in the beginning and while playing sounds seemed to sometimes be missing.
Despite that I'm in love with this game, the art style, animations and I would love to see this game evolving even further.
PS: I do believe these monsters were real!
PPS: It would be awesome if some of you have the time to rate our game as well: