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Luca H.

A member registered Nov 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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It's fun and intuitive. At first, I was confused, as to why I had a negative score but turns out I was just too lazy to read the tutorial. Overall a very simple but fun mechanic. I would love to see a few more levels, maybe with different difficulties or penalties/upgrades.

This game is quite addictive and it's fun trying to figure out, what kind of stats everything has.

I like the character designs and how everything fits together nicely and the small dialog snippets of the blacksmith are fun.

Overall a really interesting and relaxing game with pretty graphics. I definitely recommend playing it :D

A fun interpretation of the theme of this game. I like the strategic thinking you have to make in order to survive. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite clear to me how to play and which stakes there are whenever I send out my knights. So it would be nice if this would be a bit clearer.

Otherwise, I really like the design of the knights and the kings and queens. Their stares are quite fun.

This game sounds like it has a cool concept and I think with a bit of polishing and a few tutorials in the beginning.

Unfortunately with the lack of it, I wasn't really able to do anything properly since all costumers just got really annoyed at me xD

Unfortunately, there was a lack of music which would have brought the world even more to life.

Generally, it was a fun new mechanic that made you think more strategically and had me running around frantically in order to build everything in time. It would have been useful, to know from the beginning what the bar above the player and the bar at the top stand for, in order to have less confusion.

A small thing that was a bit annoying was the trap to building material menu. I couldn't go directly back and always had to craft one thing in order to reset the material needed screen.

Overall an interesting take on the whole idea. Keep up the good work :D

That sounds like really good changes. Im looking forward to see what you'll do :

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I loved your sound design. It was giving me real goosebumps and conveyed the atmosphere perfectly.

The monsters could have been a bit more aggressive and deadlier ^^

If you have some time I would love to get a rating as well:

It's a really cute game with a nice mixture of pixel art and a 3D environment. The shader is really cool as well. Unfortunately, I was a bit lost with the objective and I would have loved to have a small tutorial in the beginning, especially because I had to find out how to use stuff like the telescope by trying out.

It has real potential but I would think it would be nicer to have a bit smaller map.

Keep up the nice work :)

Thank you, thats very kind ^^

I will be rating your game right away!

This game is fun to play AND looks fantastic. The flowy hand-painted look fits nicely into the theme of playing a toddler. I love how the monsters transformed into furniture and back again.

I the first playthrough I must have spawned inside a monster because I couldn't even move before there was a loudish noise and then the game over screen. But this wasn't a real setback since the rounds after that went nice and smooth. I decided on ending it with 20 cookies because I didn't want to be the one responsible for this poor child getting a stomach ache.

I found the audio a bit strange since there wasn't any music in the beginning and while playing sounds seemed to sometimes be missing.

Despite that I'm in love with this game, the art style, animations and I would love to see this game evolving even further.

PS: I do believe these monsters were real!

PPS: It would be awesome if some of you have the time to rate our game as well: :D

Heyy, you seem to already have played so many games, so I don't know if you still have any free time left xD

In the case that you do, I'll still leave my link haha ^^

Heyy, I dont know if I'm too late, but I would love to see you play our game as well:
Its a small text-based adventure game about a viking. :)

You're welcome :D And thank you for your kind words as well!

Ahh this game is so beautiful! I love how it looks and how everything harmonizes with each other.

The gameplay is also quite exciting but I honestly suck at games like this so unfortunately, I didn't come far. It's defiantly worth playing and I don't really have any critiques other than I'm not able to get beyond the first level haha.

Keep up this good work guys :D

PS: I would love to know what you think of our game as well.

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A cool way to interpret the theme. The graphics are really pretty and it's a lot of gameplay.

I especially like how the date mechanics work :D

But I won't believe you, Hyuna is real!

PS: I would love it if you leave a rating as well ;)

Thank you for your kind words :D

Oh this is awful :D

I will be playing the downloadable version as well then.

I really like the art and this small cat in its knights' clothing. 

This game was a bit too hard for me personally and I would have loved to have any means of healing or a checkpoint when you killed a few pillows.

Overall a compact and fun game and I'm sure better gamers then me love the challenge haha

PS: I would love a rating as well ;P

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I like how simple your look is. It is fitting to the gameplay and the world you created.

It would have been nice to have a beginner area first where you can't die and get a small tutorial as well.

The sounds were good and I liked the music, but the sound you play, whenever the text appears is a bit annoying since it repeats itself a lot and is quite high pitch.

Keep up the good work :)

PS: I would love to get a rating as well ;)

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Heyy, you have quite the fun game ^^

I left a hopefully helpful review.

My game is Skumring, it's not a browser game, but maybe you'll find a way to still play it ^^':

same here :(

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Same here :(

such a beautiful and wholesome game! I advise everyone to at least try it once. You won't regret it :P