I usually do not play/review executable onlys but since you specifically asked me to I did. Considering you used Godot making a HTML5 browser playable shouldn't be that hard (name it "index" so that it is uploadable to itch) XP
In general it's pretty fun and creative. The interactions between the pieces you have put made interesting puzzle -- altho I suppose until the survive 30 seconds the solutions are all a tad bit too obvious (the 30 second survival level though... is very rad). Also love the you win room where you gave thick health for the player lol
The design in general is also very fine in how mechanics are introduced gently one by one so I could understand the previous mechanics before moving on to the next.
Biggest improvement that can be made to this game is I think, the graphics. It is okay, but I think none of the sprites actually convey the objects well. Let's take for example the soldier; bright green as helmet... is... why? I think that color is too saturated for a game of this mood. The mech conveys the message well, but again; too saturated imo.
I hope this does not sound harsh, but the biggest offenders are perhaps, the player and the items (EMP and illusion module). The player... it looks weird... Is the player wearing a cap or hat? I don't know because I cannot tell from the sprites. And then the illusion module... um... I don't think I understand what it actually looks like lol is that supposed to be a mech or something? And the EMP mine looks... well... I'm not sure that is what I imagine how it should look like -- it looks like a piece of slime as it is now. How about considering something that looks mechanical for a mine? ;=;
In any case though I had a fun time playing this game!