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The screen setup with the environment illustration, character art and descriptive text works really well. I enjoyed the mood that the art style of the game set. The way that the characters respond to the different situations in the portraits does a lot to boost the immersion. I'd like to see an option to upscale the game, both to see the detailed pixel art better and have the text be a little more readable. There wasn't any music or sound but I think something subtle might enhance the ambience. 

The writing is good, but could be a bit more character focused, I want to know a more about them. I did however enjoy how easily the game reset to allow the player to try different routes. Even the unlockable options like the "relief booth" stay open for repeat playthroughs. I usually play only one or two routes in adventure games like this one, but your setup did a lot to encouraged me to try them all!


thanks for your review! i will try to improve on my future endeavors in making these silly little games