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I like this a lot. Like BuckySide said, it's very polished. You scoped the project out perfectly to get everything in that is needed for a full idea to be realized. 

I love the music & SFX. I love the classic GameBoy graphics. Some of the jumps were hard and on a first playthrough I couldn't finish the second level, but punishing platformers are good! 

I'd love to see more levels and see this idea get expanded on.

Note: Anyone playing on a 60% keyboard where you have function keys for arrows, most emulators will let you remap the controller buttons! 

Thank you so much! :)

Yeah, I was really lucky with my schedule as well. Everything went really close to plan.
I thought of making an easy mode, by changing only the width a player could jump, but 7 days weren't enough to get that in.
I might give that game an update with some more features.