macOS is a bit peculiar. Applications are in `Foobar.app` folders. There's nothing special about these folders, except they need to have a specific structure (with a `Contents` subfolder, an `Info.plist` file, etc.)
butler lets you upload the contents of a folder as an upload, and then the app installs that into an install location. The problem you're seeing here is that:
- butler push FooBar.app somewhere
- Uploads *the contents of FooBar.app*
- Installing that upload
- Installs *the contents of FooBar.app* to a location like `~/Games/foo-bar` - a folder that doesn't end in `.app`
- that's not an app bundle as far as macOS is concerned
- .app bundles contain executables, which can be executed normally...
- ...but itch v25 currently has a known bug: it'll only launch .app bundles, not naked executables
- see https://github.com/itchio/itch/issues/2131
Here's how you can work around it right now:
- Instead of doing butler push FooBar.app somewhere, create a folder named foobar, put the .app in it, and push that foobar folder.
Here's what I'm planning to do to make sure that problem doesn't happen again:
- Whenever a folder that ends in `.app` is passed to butler, act as if it was wrapped in another folder already.
- Fix issue 2131 mentioned above, so that even if isn't pushed "correctly", it will still launch with the app.
As for ~/.bash_history not already existing on your machine, that's expected behavior if you're on a fresh macOS install / haven't used the command-line there in a while. I think that:
- The docs should mention that you may need to create that file
- We should release a drag & drop graphical interface for butler soon, which will avoid a lot of confusion
Hopefully that addresses your questions!