You did a great job incorporating a unique style into a GBC format! The attention to detail is also very apparent in subtle animations.
Are you planning on developing further? Something like the ability to view photos would be fun! I know that's easier said then done, my first thought would be to click a button that stores certain variables of the actor duck's state and then reenables those variables when viewing the snapshot again.
Also, I'm assuming you're using one of the actor follow mods for the boat section? I've never dealt with actor following programming so I don't mean to speak out of turn on this, but would it be possible to implement a horn function on the boat that scares away the duck for a few seconds before returning to following? While just being fun, it would also help during the times that the duck follows so closely that it blocks the boats path.
I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on it. It's a very unique game and I very much enjoyed it! Seeing well crafted games that are so out of the box for the technology like this are inspiring.