Thank you for playing!
>Ice Crystal which felt pretty underwhelming
Yeah this one has some problems, will have to think on how to fix it.
It has mixed damage (physical+energy), which is especially bad with guys who have both good armor.
Higher quality versions of this skill will have more shards, but looks like I need to fix the spreading and increase damage a bit. Also, what was your character class? Did it have +physical damage or +energy damage bonuses? When I will add first STR+INT class I think this skill would work better for him.
>I couldn't light the fires in the Swamp Area
When your char don't have an Elven Flint after a quest completed, it starts dropping from barrels randomly on this floor.
>Despite you saying it was fixed, I saw a Firemage behind bars pretty early on, so Bug not fixed I guess?
If he was standing there from the start then this was intended, but if he went behind the bars accidentally while fighting you, then this is the bug :)
>Character class
Pyromancer or firethrower or however its called, went all in on castspeed and whatever else I could find to improve my firespells.
>Elven Flint
that explains it, I didn't really destroy any barrels, just kind of rushed through since I was already lvl 10.
Guess it was intended then, good to know the Bug is actually fixed.