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(1 edit)

I reached the first "Aha" moment where it became 3D, and I really like that moment of realization. Then I got stuck, and couldn't move for a while. It think what happened was that I wasn't completely familiar with the WASD action button being "E". Perhaps the first time the button press didn't register or I missed the target, so I assumed "E" did nothing. Anyway, I figured it out. I also really love the attention to detail with the textbox at the start - I tried to answer "Maybe" and it started being sassy with me - nice touch! Great work on the use of theme and innovation.

Thanks a lot! Because of the limited time I didn't have time to incorporate introduction of controls properly, so they are stated on the page and in the CONTROLS.txt file :) I am aware it could mess it up if not knowing. I appreaciate your feedback