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A member registered May 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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De nada, a ti por haber hecho el juego. Aunque estoy un poco sorprendido que supieras que entendería español!

Thanks! :)

Ah cheers.  I think maybe I have an idea for the pit now. Thanks for the video - I'll watch it if I get stuck again

Great game, excellent audio. I would have liked if the timing weren't quite so skin-of-your-teeth sometimes, and I got stuck on the second rest puzzle, with the lever in the pit. My working assumption is that maybe resetting keeps the lever active? So perhaps I'm not good enough at the skill part to complete the platforming, kill the enemy and get to the door in time to see it still open. But if I'm off the mark there, maybe a little hint?

Thanks! MoreMountains are great for helping out with the technical part. I certainly couldn't have done it all myself in a week.

Well done on creating all of the graphics, in particular the anti-reality glow effect. I think you guys took on a massive challenging creating a 3D game from scratch in a week, and with such a unique concept too. It was very rewarding to learn more about how the strange tools work, and to unravel the purpose of the game. The short time is great- it allows the player to fail fast, and focus on learning the systems, so that really works well. The ammo count signals very well that the player will need to use each item only once, and needs to figure out how.

If you work on this after the jam, definitely look into Cinemachine - I think it would make your life a lot easier. And I think for combat you could focus on the concept of telegraphing - maybe give players plenty of warning before and attack to dodge, and a very obvious attack radius to look at, so that it feels fair if the player stays within that area and gets hit.

Overall though, there's a lot of hard work covered in such a short game. Very impressive.

So kind, thank you!


(2 edits)

Ooh, I also struggle with animations, although for me I think it's mostly a matter of not having the patience to prioritize learning it. Maybe I could make a tutorial video for you on the topic? (I'm starting out so it probably won't be the greatest video ever, certainly not Mark Brown, but I'm looking for people who will find my videos interesting.)

I thought to myself, there's a secret room over there. I completed the crazy challenge that led to the secret room and sure enough, it was there. I saw all the buzz saws in the secret room, said Ah Hell No, and walked right out of that secret room again! XD

Honestly not much feedback I can give on this except it was a really solid game, and I went back to give the secret room a second try! And it beat me.

Nice. To be honest, I assume people who play Mirror's Edge or parkour games would find this much easier than me, but I struggle with first-person platformers, I don't know where my feet are, so I tend to either jump too early, or else constantly look down and then I miss your beautiful stylistic scenery. If you like gamedev videos, check out Mark Brown of Game Maker's Toolkit, the "Developing", series - he hit a similar question of skill versus puzzles when designing "Untitled Magnet Game".

Well done on the little details that elevate it - the particles, the broken glass, the sound effects.  A lot of people have already mentioned the atmosphere or the feeling of being immersed, and I got that too. Overall, well done!

Wow great work, love the arcade music, love the powerful rush of obliterating a whole wave of enemies, even if most of them are phantoms. I was really enjoying that. Just a small note - there started to be huge lag around wave 11 or 12, just for the initial few seconds of spawning. I suspect this could be solved by using object pooling for your enemies? (Let me know if you'd like me to cover it in a devlog but there are plenty of tutorials out there that cover it). But overall, very fun game!

Great game. Tricky, but one that one I would feel like coming back to! Well done.

Thanks! If you have time, do check out my  YouTube Channel if you follow developers on YouTube. It's nothing much yet, but the best way to learn what content is good is to have people watching who can tell me what they like! :)

I love the idea, cute character. Interesting puzzles although I think I blundered through one of them without the "Aha" moment. Well done!

Interesting game concept, well executed. I really enjoyed the music, and the robot feels intuitive to control. Well done!

Ah well, so it goes with game jams.  Thanks for making it!

Oh dear lord, so frustrating. But at the same time very addictive. Great job! The key to a game like this is feeling like it's the player's own fault if they fail, which comes down to how well designed the controls are, and you did really well with that. There's occasionally this one bug where your meters don't reset which causes a moment of panic because I know there will be an uncontrollable jump, but overall, really well done!

Well done, a nice start to finish experience with sleek UI. I had a bit of an advantage with the mystery, as I had heard the twist before, but I still had to figure out who did it, so still challenging! Nice game!

Short and sweet. You turned the all-too-common genre of non-game that I normally don't like into a short experience that was well scripted, well paced, and really well polished to make sure the comedic timing landed. That last parting gag made me laugh - not an easy thing to accomplish when I'm alone on my computer! Well done!

Really great visuals and audio with lots of polish, a casual puzzler where you get into a flow of solving thing and bouncing around. Lovely. The only trouble is that it crashes for me at this one point every time towards the end of the level with the orbiting arm with the rocks, and I can't get past. Shame. But a great experience otherwise.

Clever take on the theme! Overall very cute aesthetic. The death sound is cool. I could have used a clearer tutorial that "E" was action, or possibly a hovering prompt over the light switch. The graphics and animations we super well done - if you look at the size of the pixels, the background elements are more detailed than the character which is an odd choice, but it didn't detract for me. Great job!

Nice graphics! The two enemies really remind me of a boss from Spyro 3. And the aesthetic was an interesting take on the theme. The game crashed  and quit out of the application a couple of times when I tried to open it. It settled after a while, though. No idea what caused it. But overall, I could see this as the groundwork to develop a cool Spyro-like collectathon.

(2 edits)

Very atmospheric, and wow - that vocal performance when you get caught the first time really made me jump - I felt like I was really waking from a nightmare.  I would have liked a clearer measure of how close an enemy was, like if the footsteps got louder and quieter based on the distance or something (although perhaps there's an element of that in there, but with headphones, the footsteps just sounded close all the time).It was down to luck. Great atmosphere, though, and a really strong spin on the theme. 

(1 edit)

I reached the first "Aha" moment where it became 3D, and I really like that moment of realization. Then I got stuck, and couldn't move for a while. It think what happened was that I wasn't completely familiar with the WASD action button being "E". Perhaps the first time the button press didn't register or I missed the target, so I assumed "E" did nothing. Anyway, I figured it out. I also really love the attention to detail with the textbox at the start - I tried to answer "Maybe" and it started being sassy with me - nice touch! Great work on the use of theme and innovation.

Wow, very creative character ideas and stories. Really great job on the art, 5 stars for the voice acting for sure - I felt very immersed in the world!

Very fun, hard game! Crazy polish for a jam. Until I figured out that the hologram was for discovering enemies and not just diverting them, I was very stuck, but then I got into it.

Nice run animation and music. It took me a few tries, but I got the cup!

Thanks, yeah I could have made the health bar more visible, and perhaps given some game juice on a death or something to make the score more obvious. Glad you had fun!

Cheers! Yes, I suppose with the movement it's kind of a trade-off, but thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! :)

Thanks, and certainly - I will do :)

Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you. So lovely to hear :)

Thank you, and certainly - I'd be delighted to give your game a whirl :)

Well done for playing on a track pad! That's an interesting limitation for me to consider. And just thank you for this comment. It made my day.

Cheers! The music is by Kevin McLeod - a classic indie music resource, I had used his stuff before.

Thanks for the comments! I agree - ran out time for the screen shake, but a good idea!

Sorry to hear that it was laggy, but thanks for playing and commenting! If you'd like to give me the specs of the machine you played it on, I can keep that in mind for future games. 

Well done! A nice addictive one to pick up and play a few rounds of, if you're doing a "session" of game jam games.