OK, so I've been putting together a main setting for Hotshots (starfighter game) that's kind of Star Wars-y with the weirdness front-and-center instead of pushed to obscurity and legends, and that's made me want to design games for other parts of that universe.
So, Jedi stand-ins are these sun warriors who get their power by drinking the scorching blood of phoenix-like space creatures that die and then are reborn inside stars as the stars form. I'm thinking this cult could be a good fit for 3d6D.
Right now I'm deciding if I want combat to include health points/damage. These are definitely characters who might be swinging sunfire swords around and shooting solar flares so there are definite uses for tracked HP, but it does add something that was maybe intentionally left out of the original 3d6D. The third d6 from power rolls could definitely be used to decide damage dealt (or healed in some cases), which could lead to some interesting negotiation from players over whether they want to deal more damage at the cost of taking a consequence or deal less damage and avoid the consequence.
The other thing I'm deciding is if I want a couple universal powers and then have diversity on top of that, or if I want all players to just have their own one power. In the fiction I think it makes sense for all sun warriors (Eousi) to be able to have a basic damage power and a basic healing power. Or maybe they just have the basic damage power and then choose between healing and other options.
Just thought of this: What if they all have sunburn (damage) and solar healing, but then players can make up whatever they want for their third power, but it has to be related to the sun in some way... And maybe sunburn and solar healing can be upgraded while playing somehow.
Anyway, I'm not sure if there's a specific question in there, but I'm totally up to hear anyone's thoughts on any of that.