Looks solid (except for mixels). Lack of explanations is annoying, even for such a simple game, a paragraph of MAKE PEOPLE BUILD THEN MAKE PEOPLE FIGHT wouldn't do any harm. Skeletons fade away way too long, and I don't think it's necessary to fade away at all, collapsing is enough. And as a last nitpick: church that produces holy water shouldn't make fire mages.
The big complaint is balance, or rather, its total lack. With only 3 starting dudes you can't build while defending all lanes without random gold (and not being fucked by random distribution across lanes). Three mages managed to win alone. Bows are much faster to produce and archers attack faster, so they quickly strong as well. But knights are total chumps, with their middling production speed, close range, and only 2 damage (was it meant to be 20?). A single knight is only good enough to beat a single skeleton.