Definitely an interesting setup for a game with this theme, although it does sort of fit obviously since technically paintings are not a "real" thing. And entering the "world" of one is not "real", at least physically. So it's an interesting take, assuming I';m understanding it correctly.
The level layout was nice and the menu design was pretty good. Although I do have to say the game was a bit.. vague on what the goal was. to start off with, I did eventually figure it out, mainly after the first puzzle, but a bit of indication would've been helpful on that first one.
Also I do have to say the later ones do end up a little.. weird, in their complexity. For example the Desert one has so many forms compared to any of the others, it would've been nice to see that mechanic elsewhere, but on that one specifically I do have to say ti was quite vague on what exactly you were supposed to do. My assumption was that the oasis was a mirage so you were supposed to change it to night so that you could get there when it was "real". Since mirages are created from the sun reflecting off the sand and so at night it shouldn't be a mirage, or at least from my understanding.
The final solution though was pretty weird, considering there's no in world visual indication to help you figure it out. I would've a assumed that there would be at least something above the painting to indicate that there was a sprinkler.
Overall though, an interesting idea for the jam and a relatively well executed level setup with some quite interesting puzzle mechanics. A nice mix of the two "worlds" throughout. Though a bit more would be interesting.