This game was pretty fun to play, it had a really good atmosphere. The details of the edges of the hole and the background really gave you a sense of how fast you were moving and gave you a sense
of urgency to find that next piece of debris that will save you from falling too far. The opening cutscene was also good at adding to the sudden fast falling feel of the game. The arrows were also really good life saving indicators.
If I'm trying to nitpick the game and find something I think could be better then I would pick the scoring system or at least a way to understand it better. I know the description said combos and depth but I think the type of character also gave different amounts since the animals seemed to give a bunch of points. I also don't know if the combo system is the best choice for this type of game since you can't control when people spawn so your combo ends because of things out of your control instead of your own mistakes.
Again that's only if I'm nitpicking, everything was well executed and fun.