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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love coop games so it was cool to see one in a jam since people don't normally make them for various reasons. I also really like tower defense games and I thought it was a good application of the theme. Damaging in between waves so you have to maintain your defense is really fitting for a tower defense and the added aesthetic information of widening the gap the earthquake causes. The art is good too. I specifically like the water animation and the defense walls.

I do think there were improvements that could have been made that tower defenses can have problems with. One of the biggest problems I had with the game was lack of information. Tower defenses get their fun from strategy and you can't strategize if you don't know anything. This was mainly that I didn't know what the difference between the towers was. It was the same issue with the enemies. My best guess right now is that different towers are better at handling different enemies but there was no colour coordination between them or anything so I'm not sure. The no strategy issue combined with the fact that your money just keeps going up even in-between waves creates tower spam. Besides that there were a couple of minor issues like the towers covering too many squares behind them and the distance you had to cover with walls. I also think I ran into a bug. After a few round I decided to see what happens when you lose. I started readying up without placing more towers but the earthquake would damage my towers without spawning more enemies and after a few rounds of that I couldn't ready up at all.

Overall I liked the design of your game and I'm sure the issues I had were due to time constraints anyways.

I liked the art style and the game mechanic but there are a few things I struggled with. In the tutorial the spacebar isn't explained as a reset which was only a problem for me because I'm used to using

space for jump so I would accidentally use it and then not understand why I got a game over. I also accidentally killed the last lizard in the tutorial so I didn't get to read the last message which meant I didn't understand that the lizards were how you won the levels. I then went on to level 1 and accidentally knocked the lizard into a place where it wasn't killable so when I got to the end of the level I just thought it was a short unfinished game. I got lucky though because I looked over at the screenshots which reminded me of the lizard counter and  that made me realize that the lizards might be the requirement to finish the level. So I went back and played again. The only other thing I might change would be the bombs. They felt really good to use as long as you didn't have to strafe around the ceiling above you. Just having that one extra tile sticking out so their isn't a roof above you makes a huge difference to how good it feels to use.

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I liked a lot of the art but the foreground and background walls were hard to tell apart. For example in the beginning when it teaches you crouch it just looks like a wall. If it didnt tell me I was supposed to crouch I would have never known that was there.

The time travel mechanic was pretty cool but it wasn't used enough instead there was a lot more box moving. The levels could have been a bit more platformer based having you swap between the worlds. The level with the cloud chasing you was more platformer based like that but then you took away the ability to swap worlds which is where a mechanic like that could have really had a chance to shine. The cloud also moved too fast for the moving box mechanic but at least the boxes stayed where you put them so you could at least do it on the next life. 

So overall art and mechanics were cool but just a little misused sometimes.

That makes sense. It just felt like a bug twice simply because it lasted so long. Once was for a small boulder which I had to back track to get wood for. The second time was when I got the second character it told me to go move the big boulder but at least one of my characters was still pretty far away. So its understandable for tutorial purposes but it did mean I needed to play with text attached to my mouse for a while.

All around pretty good. I think what I would have liked changed to most was longer reload for enemies. My first strategy was to count bullets and engage when they were reloading but reload time was too short to bother. What I ended up doing was running in close so I could kill them with out missing so they were able to fire less bullets and then I would strategize the medkits by only taking them when I was pretty low which meant I had to back track alot. I think the first strategy would have been a more fun challenge but other than that it was pretty good.

I didn't really like the white boxes around the text because it made it a little harder to read because of the spacing. Especially on the instruction page where it ended up looking crowded. As for the gameplay it was really satisfying dashing from wall to wall and the effects that happen when you hit a rock make it even more so. I honestly think the game could have focused around Stay more.

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I liked the mechanic of the little menu to move or place things. It also had a good tutorial on how to use it so you never really feel confused about what to do. Good music and tile art plus I like the different hair colours you gave the characters. The hair colours make the characters feel unique for the story and maybe if you continue with future versions you could attach them to different mechanics and skill sets so each character is even more unique.

Unfortunately I did have a few problems with the game. Sometimes text would get stuck displaying on my mouse. There was also a visual bug that happened once per run through don't know if it happened in the same spot or not. The biggest problem I had was that I crashed when I met Lizzy the first time. So I replayed through and approached her at a different angle to see if I would still crash and I didn't. So I got a bit further but when I was trying to find where to go I backtracked through Lizzy's room and crashed again so I think there is a problem somewhere in the bottom right of Lizzy's room. So unfortunately I didn't get to see the rest of the game but I did copy the first error for you. I forgot for the second one though. I played with the windows binary version.

If you end up fixing the crash at some point let me know and I'll play your game again. I liked what I played :)

Cute doodle style art while teaching earthquake safety. My only problem with this was that the text was a little fast especially since I wasn't expecting it to advance without me clicking. It's kind of weird to have it reset the line with clicking rather than have it advance by clicking.

I was a little surprised when I won I thought it would have a couple more stages or have the second part be endless. I was a little confused at the beginning part because it said blue fish and they were multicoloured but I quickly found out I was looking for blue bodied fish.It might be a little short but I did like the second parts mechanics of having to move around to charge.

I like the art style it is simple but looks good. The sfx and slow down to see how close you came to getting hit is really satisfying. It is too bad about your computer because this has a lot of potential. It definitely needed a quick way to restart especially because I'm bad at it. XD

I really liked the art. The sound and story were good too. It was a good mystery because everyone had a secret to hide but as long as you talked to everyone you got all the clues you needed to figure out what that secret was. I would have preferred if the clue tab was a bit different so you could sort your evidence. Maybe the option to sort by who it's about.

This game was pretty fun to play, it had a really good atmosphere. The details of the edges of the hole and the background really gave you a sense of how fast you were moving and gave you a sense

of urgency to find that next piece of debris that will save you from falling too far. The opening cutscene was also good at adding to the sudden fast falling feel of the game. The arrows were also really good life saving indicators.

If I'm trying to nitpick the game and find something I think could be better then I would pick the scoring system or at least a way to understand it better. I know the description said combos and depth but I think the type of character also gave different amounts since the animals seemed to give a bunch of points. I also don't know if the combo system is the best choice for this type of game since you can't control when people spawn so your combo ends because of things out of your control instead of your own mistakes.

Again that's only if I'm nitpicking, everything was well executed and fun.

Fun game. I liked the grid background to help line up shots. I also liked the loop mechanic but I only knew about it after I read the comments but other people figured it out so I might be the only one. I would have liked a volume adjuster though because it was too loud for me.

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This game was a great idea for the theme. It really makes the theme a core mechanic to the game. I liked the game I experienced when it worked so I think it would be good with some fixes.

I played in the browser so I don't know if that was the cause for some of these issues or not but here are some of the problems I had with the game. For some reason I could only get the game to measure the height of my character a couple of times. All the other time the character just disappears and you are left with a bunch of uncleared blocks. When this happens it also gives back points to get more blocks which allows the player to continue placing blocks until they crash the game. You can also crash the game within the point limit if you build mostly using pillars.

I would have also liked if you could pick the player and blocks back up when building so you don't have to restart if you miss drop one thing. On the UI side of things, I think the buttons should be on the side since the goal is to build up as high as you can the buttons start getting in the way when placing blocks.

I feel like I was a bit critical in my review but I think this game had a good idea. I just struggled to get it working a lot of the time.

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It wasn't exactly 'inspired' by Canabalt because we didn't know it existed at the time but it definitely ended up very similar to it. It was inspired by endless runners in general and for me the Google dinosaur game and Ninja Pizza Girl. XD

The character may be fast but I am not! Hahaha. This game is really addicting even though it is pretty hard. I would have liked to see an easier boss at the beginning just so I could get a bit of a taste of sweet victory and see more of the game. I saw the other comments so I'm sure you already know that box speed probably could have been slower for at least the first boss. Other than the difficulty I would say the sound was a little loud for me so it probably could have used a volume slider. On the positive sides is pretty much everything else. The gameplay is fun and addicting, I like the art and the animations particularly the guy tapping to drop the boxes. The sounds are all fitting and immersive. I really like the quick restart so you can be in the action and learning constantly. After I rate more games I will comeback and try some more.

I love box pushing puzzles. It was short but sweet and everything was pretty nicely executed. I don't really think it fit the earthquake theme but that doesn't really matter since it was optional anyways. The one thing I didn't really like that much was the 'try to tell the difference between two similar shades of red' mechanic. I think this game has a lot of potential if the game was extended with a few new more interesting mechanics. Simple but effective because I enjoyed it.

It's an interesting concept that I think could be pretty good with some work. My problem with the game is that its confusing what the goal is. I assume its to get as far as possible but when you can just hold w and press space intermittently to keep yourself in the air and not get hit by anything then you can just go an infinite distance. May want to consider make it harder the further you travel because I didn't notice a difficulty spike that would ever make my game end. Then if these issues that make the game easy were fixed I think things falling from the sky would be unfair since you can't see them coming very well. There would be a couple ways to fix that as well. One of them would be to have the rocks coming from the ground. That way you can have an indicator show where its going to spawn so even if it spawns underneath you, you would still be aware of it in advance and it wouldn't seem like the rocks are popping out of no where.

I got the 'nice' score! It was fun and gave me some nostalgia of some other games at the same time. So far this game is one of the few entries that I felt like I should keep trying to get a better score and the graphics are good too. On the downside I had to dock points for existing assets in the sound category but its very understandable since I'm awful at music. Team up with a musician in the future and I'm sure you'll do even better!

Quite the unique idea I don't think many people thought about putting an earthquake in space. Terrifying thought if the universe ever did shake haha. I also liked the consideration for epilepsy and dyslexia. I'm not sure I can come up with any suggestions for this game since it seems like you accomplished exactly what you set out to do. If you were interested in what people scored, I lasted 230 seconds.

Shootin' with my rootin' tootin' boulder shootin' shotgun! Unique idea and not bad for your first jam especially alone. My suggestion for a change would be adding a start button instead of pressing any key to continue. Simply because I'm an idiot and accidentally skipped the main screen when they game started so I died before figuring the controls out. I also found it funny that the fish was so detailed by comparison. I didn't notice at first but when I looked at the screenshot again I thought "Wow! That is a good dead fish."

I went 275. I like the idea for this game it almost has a qwop feel to it. The reuse of obstacles is cool especially since you have to beware of them coming down. I was also pleasantly surprised by the customization. If I had to suggest anything I would say to add sound and also that the GIF confused me a bit. GIF almost serves as the tutorial in a way so I thought I needed to do a sick spin like in the GIF every time. Needless to say that didn't go well and whoever made the GIF is way better at this than me. XD

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I'm glad you liked it! :) Also there's a banana progress bar at the bottom to show you how close you were to being able to break the next rock.