uploaded 15 minutes of gameplay. I’m posting this comment before the video is uploaded so if you don’t see anything check back in 5 minutes https://youtu.be/Hks71jnV2YM
Pretty fun. I like the interact button it really changes up the gameplay from other excitebike-like games. If you’d like I can upload some more gameplay just ask. I have other games to get to for now
My notes: I have played happy wheels before (and older games) so i am not new to this control scheme
as a PC player felt weird to have arrow keys and not WASD be default. maybe adding secondary bindings is overkill just for that nitpick because i feel any player who prefers WASD can navigate an options menu
space to navigate menus and dialogue and not interact button? (i rebinded interact)
changing direction (up/down) while in midair puts you to a stop for a second when you land even when you have speed in the new direction. I think this is because of the speed boost you give when you land with a trick
collision got a little wonky at some part not sure the timestamp but i stop in the video and make a note of it on camera