I was actually surprised that no one mentioned any bugs other than the safe spots (which I was aware of, but didn't have time to fix). I didn't run into any calculation bugs, but I put them together so quickly, I knew there had to be some. Finally, you found one! Thank you. If and when I get back to this, I'll check it out.
The poor feeling of control during the movement wasn't originally intentional -- it was a side effect of entering one or two lines of code to get the player moving and not enough time to tune it -- but became part of the metaphor when I realized that avoiding stresses aren't always easy, and should be reflected in how the player moves. With that in mind, I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about how to improve that aspect, as I was so busy trying to cram in everything else.
Thank you for your detailed comment. I greatly appreciate it!
Edit: I didn't realize when I first replied which game you submitted. Shadeshift is still my favorite game of the jam, so it means that much more that you found some enjoyment out of my game. Thanks again!