Thanks for the feedback!
I ran out of file space and time so the turorial/story got cut in the begining.
The keys are Z/X, yes. I should have put that instead of the (O)/(X) pico-8 buttons in the text.
Yeah I should make more clear when your turn begins/ends. Thanks for pointing that out!
The amount of characters that can battle at once is limited by the amount of collumns in the special ability table. I will remove that limit since it is a bit frustrating and not very intuitive.
The screen darkens when you use a character's special ability.
I wanted to make the complexity ramp up slowly with the tutorial, but I think the main problem is the special abilities system... You have to put a character on the field AND have an amout of that specific "mana" but even then most spells are a bit situational... I'll rework the spell system to only require the mana and not the character. I felt that way testing the game late in the submission time but it was too late to change before the deadline.
I will make some changes later, so if anyone is interested you can check back next week