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If this is a game with a GM, you might have powers put some things that are usually handled by the GM into the hands of a PC. Like maybe all PCs could use Curious to search an area and the GM tells them what they find, but with What the Cat Dragged In, the PC can roll it and tell the GM what they found (even if it’s a little out-of-place). Or for Out of the Bag, the player doesn’t have to make multiple rolls for set up and play out an interrogation scene, they can just ask the GM to reveal information and then the player explains how their PC exposes it in fiction. That maybe makes them more powerful than the attribute rolls usually are.


this is an excellent idea! I love stuff in games that puts narrative control in the players' hands like that, and with the consequences the GM could easily twist anything the players come up with to actually cause a lot of trouble for them. Thank you so much for this suggestion! 


You’re welcome! I’m looking forward to checking out your game!


I'm really looking forward to your game, it sounds awesome from everything you've posted here!!