Loved the atmosphere and the art style. There were also some elements of immersion that I enjoyed very much, such as the character coughing now and then, his health worsening, having to lay down from time to time and so on. The unveiling plot was also engaging to read, as well as the foreboding depiction of a post-apocalyptic aftermath.
However, I think the gameplay didn't quite live up to the other aspects of the game. It would have been nice to have more options as a player - the game mostly leads you by the hand, lacking any interesting choices, puzzle elements or any sort of challenge for that matter. Then again, this may have been a design choice, but from a player's perspective I think that it could have been a much better experience if the game wasn't so linear. There are moments where you think you made a choice, but when you decide to try the other alternative then you find out it wasn't actually possible to do that. The unlocked doors you can't trespass and the brick thrown by the character are examples of this.
However, I don't mean it's a bad game by any means - I enjoyed it and was really looking forward to what would happen next. In fact, I think the ending was well worth seeing. It's just that at times the game seemed to be testing my patience rather than actually trying to be fun.
I hope you find the comments constructive and hope to see more work come out from you! I'll certainly give it a try!