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I haven't got very far into it and with there being no save I need to give it some time before I can properly play it to give my ratings for the game jam.  Therefore I can't really say much about the storyline or puzzle yet - did at least manage to find all the bits of the torch and make that though! ;-)

Impressions so far though - graphics are really well done, the environment layout is good, and the ambient SFX are really well done.  Hoping to give this a proper go soon.  I struggle a little with large environments that aren't very interactive, but appreciate that you wanted to convey a feeling of emptiness, at least in the beginning section (I'm not sure what you come across later!).

Oh one more thing - don't know if it's just me but because of the graphical style and control methodology, I constantly expected to be able to jump by pressing spacebar! :-D