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A member registered Feb 06, 2015 · View creator page →

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Oops! Thanks so much. Must have had brain-freeze...

I sent an email to regarding a payout query, it's failing to deliver - is there a known issue with the mailbox? Happy to just send a new email if you think it's a one-off occurrence.

Many thanks.

Nice little game. Fast is quite brutal (I really wish I could have changed the nets with keys 1-3, I feel that would have made it more doable) - Slow was perhaps a tiny bit too easy, I scored 5,571 before my hand got tired :-)

Always nice to see AGS used for a different style of game.

Thanks for playing, my friend! :-)

This is a brilliant R-Type style shooter with high production qualities, a stomping soundtrack and an easy mode that even I am half-decent at! :-D Great job.

Firstly, this is my review posted on the AGS Games page:

"This is one of the best short games made with AGS that I've ever played. Everything is at least good - the graphics and music are very nice, the humour often hits the mark, but the real joy is in the puzzles - they are absolutely excellent. I especially loved the hamster maze puzzle, that was really clever.

Thoroughly recommended - even more so if you liked Maniac Mansion / DotT".

Congratulations on a superb game that shows amazing development of your skills since Day of the Sandwich (which I also enjoyed).


Just a couple of little bugs - in the lab (right-most room) the walkable areas need trimming, as you can walk partway up the walls.

Also a couple of the hints don't trigger properly (or the issue may be the code that decides when to display the tick) - from memory I think "fill bucket with water" and "power on computer" were affected by this.

On a personal level, I found having to keep reselecting the inventory slightly annoying, but that maybe just me :-)


Just want to end this comment by saying a massive WELL DONE - you've created a really memorable game here.

This is a really lovely little game! Despite the minimalist design in many aspects, it really drew my into the world and felt like a little slice of a richly detailed game world. The few animations that there were really added to the game, and the music was superbly chosen. Not many puzzles, but still a bit of work for the old grey cells wrapped up in a genuinely intriguing narrative experience.. Would love to see more adventures by our failed but somehow successful apprentice mage!

So do I! Because everything is worked out per pixel and the get / set pixel commands are quite slow, I haven't found a way to optimise it better. May ask someone smarter than me to try :-)

Can't take any credit myself but I'll let my co-dev know :-)

Thanks! :-) We were aiming for a late 80s / early 90s look with this game.

Looking good! Your game is coming along very nicely. :-)

Really fun game! Enjoyed the puzzles and humour a lot. :-)

Nice one mate! Enjoyed this little game. Thought it was funny that the prisoner was quite happy once he had his meal, didn't even occur to him (or them!) to try and free him.

Nice atmospheric game, a bit grim at the end but that's what apparently utopian dystopias are for, right? :-)

Thanks! I've let my co-dev for the game know since he did the vast majority of the artwork (believe me, if I'd done the art, you wouldn't love it! :-D)

A huge thank you to everyone who voted for the game at the AGS Awards - it won "Best Non-Adventure Game Made With AGS"!! :-)

Great, thanks! Turns out I had been there, but hadn't completed the dungeon for some reason (think I was a bit brain-dead on the sliding blocks puzzle to reach a chest in one location). No bugs! :-)

I picked this game up when it was on a free and was amazed by the quality - didn't actually realise if was on a special promotion at the time, so I have now sent a donation which you thoroughly deserve. This is an excellent game and I've really enjoyed it, the difficulty is so well balanced - I almost always felt like I was making progress of some sort, very little grinding but some good puzzles and challenging areas.

I thought I was on the cusp of completing it but it appears I don't have the third crystal - I was sure I'd completed ever dungeon but apparently not. I don't suppose you could give me a clue as to which dungeon the third crystal is in as I can't seem to find it!

As a suggestion if you are planning an update and if it's feasible, is to make the crystal-containing dungeons you've already visited show on the main map with an icon to show if you've already got the crystal from that location. But anyway, it's a great game, very nicely done!

Captain Disaster and the Two Worlds of Riskara

No eyeballs - increased difficulty? An alternative play mode where you have to rely solely on the power of smell? Oh the possibilities!

Glad you enjoyed it! 🙂 

Very nice work! Although my pink socks from the MAGS game were pretty impressive too. :-D

Just played it, being able to identify your dog and seeing how many sheep there are / the identifier icons are great additions. You also seem to have fixed the randomly exploding sheep bug (/feature) although they do now appear to be able to jump sometimes, including once over the fence and out of the playing area!

Is there are way to restart a level other than rebooting the game?

Great stuff! :-)

Sounds great! Will give it a try soon. :)

We both thought maybe the dogs should be a bit quicker compared to the sheep. Also having the different dogs be identifiable in some way would be nice, we got a bit confused at times (but obviously appreciate this is early in development and you may well have planned both already). Knowing the number of sheep left (I didn't understand why they occasionally blew up in the coop sometimes?!) would be good as well as knowing how many each pen needed.

Again, you may well already have these things in mind. Nice work so far! :-)

Just had great fun playing through the available levels with my young daughter. Really good game concept. All the best with development!

Many thanks! :)

Great! Hope you're enjoying the game :-)

Oh these are great, brings back a lot of memories! Thanks for the recommendation :-)

Fun little game! Well done Dave and Tom :-)

I was upset with how many Turdmelons I managed to make in this game though!! :-O

Looks great! I love parent-child game collaborations :-)

Very cool indeed! Like the old fractal generators I loved as a kid on steroids.

Quick question - is there any way to change the default screenshot save location? 

Currently C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\anomalies\Anomalies

Definitely looks well worth checking out! I've enjoyed Dave's previous games (DuzzQuest and its sequel), added this one to the "need to check out" pile.

If you'd like to shape the full game to some extent, I'm trying an experiment - please fill in this (very short) feedback form to help us know what we need to focus on:

Congrats, you're the first person I know of to have beaten all 100 levels!! :)

The Steam version is now out! If you bought the game on Itch you will be able to also get a Steam key for the game.

If I've set things up correctly, Patrons will also be able to claim a Steam key via the Itch page as well.

Thanks mate! :)

It's a nice start to developing your game, I would suggest adding some variety to the sound effects to give it an immediate boost. Hearing the same sound over and over again got old very quickly, maybe have a set of 5 or more that play randomly when you manage to catch the faller.