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Adorable character and great environment art.

The ricochet bullet idea is so good that I wish I could fire bullets that ricochet more than once. You should borrow the visual from CrossCode that shows the potential angles for shots up to a certain distance while aiming so the player does less guess work, especially since the enemies seem to have a perfect idea of where I am at most times. Faster bullets would also help that cool ricochet happen more often on moving targets.

Don't know how to feel about movement speed since it seems that's how the enemy shots are balanced, maybe a focus and grazing mechanic could encourage players to stand closer to bullets at that speed to build a resource for different spells? Either way I'm looking forward to where this goes based on the ricochet bullets alone.


Thanks for playing!

Eventually you will be able to get upgrades mid-run with various effects such as more bounces and faster bullets. I'm unsure about displaying the bounce angle, since that is part of the difficulty. Perhaps as an easy mode or an upgrade, but as of now I doubt I'll add it.

Speed is subject to change, for now it might feel a bit easy since the enemies I had time to add for this prototype are really basic and harmless, only being complicated when they appear in large numbers. More complex and faster enemy bullets will be added in time. Also, i plan to make all bullets slightly larger.

Haven't played CrossCode, I'll take a look!