I found a medium post that explained that you could add an addon to chrome and it would automatically click on the claim button for you.
However, that script didn't work 100% for me, so I updated it if anyone wants it :)
Here's the link to the medium guide:
and then just use my changed script instead, not the most beautiful script, but it works:
// is there a game to claim ? if yes, claim it
if ($('[value="claim"]') && $('[value="claim"]')[0]) {
console.log("Claiming game");
// have I claimed a game ? If yes, go back
} else if($(".next_page")[0])
console.log("No Games found, going to next page");
else if ($("a[href*='https://itch.io/bundle/download/']")[0]) {
console.log("Going back!");
// no game to claim, no game claimed, change page