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Great work! Love the intensity of these pieces, I could totally imagine these being put directly into a game! Here's my more specific feedback:

Piece 1: (Real World)
The beginning (and end, as it loops) was totally cool, I was bopping my head along, ngl :D
I also really love the transition from 1:44,  Really, well done there! Something about the melody and the release of the bass just did it for me. The hammering places like 0:30 and 2:14 could have been shortened slightly as they got a little too on my nerves at times. Alternatively, you also could have done some sort of high/low pass filter that gets more intense until the start of the next section to increase tension.

Piece 2: (Virtual World)
This piece being in major was totally weird, especially after listening to the previous piece in minor, and Especially considering all the instruments and how they were used.
Honestly, I think if you just switched this to minor it would work way better, the first note in major was only at 16 seconds into the piece and boy! was I baffled when I first heard it!
Apart from that, I really like the two main melodic sections and the switches between them!

Piece 3: (Between the Worlds)
While this piece is rather simplistic, I do enjoy the descending bassline and the xylophone you were using. Not much more to say about this piece, as it was not musically very complex. Would definitely have enjoyed another musical idea here :)

Overall: Piece 1 is A-tier, Piece 2 is B-tier, and 3 is C-Tier!
Also great job on creating 3 whole pieces with 8 minutes, no idea how you managed that in this timeframe <:|
am genuinely baffled

Hello! Thank you for the constructive feedback!
Fun fact, actually, after the game jam I improved the second track to make it a standalone, this is not posted here to stay in the rules :)