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Loving my time with the game so far. The modeling is done in Koikatsu, right? The images are placed exceptionally well, and the story is enthralling. There are expressive characters and a tremendous theme of camaraderie. Each scene has so many variables that it baffles my mind to think about how much time must have been spent forming each image, and adjusting the camera to take every perspective picture.

My sole criticism is that I am ruffled by the word "fag" being used twice in my ~3 hours of time spent with the game so far, by sympathetic characters. It comes off highly insensitive when the characters are otherwise so perceptive to the feelings of others.

I'm only at Chapter 8, but I intend to keep reading. There's so much soul and heart in the story and I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop. Thank you!


Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it!

The decision to use that word in some dialogue wasn't an easy one, but was made because I wanted to show CJ was crass in some ways that aren't exactly endearing (And Jamie awkwardly trying to ape that behavior back at him).


he's meant to be a Reddit bro isn't he?