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The Grimace

A member registered Jul 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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God bless.

Hell yeah, fuck war!

I have so much respect for Caribdis and his games, Once in a Lifetime and Eternum. I've been proudly supporting his Patreon since about version 0.6 of Once in a Lifetime and the narratives are unforgettable. I would love to see more mainstream possibilities for these games, which probably isn't likely due to the Honey Select2 engine being in use. There are also myriad references to other media. The fact that these games aren't afraid to reference mainstream franchises without fear of copyright retaliation is one of the things that makes them great- it makes them feel true to life and untainted by corporate shenanigans.

Caribdis, you're worth gold and I want you to know that. I'd love for you to receive more income by releasing games on wider platforms like Steam- but I also don't want you to stifle your creativity by adhering to any kind of pressure. However you go forward, know that you're bringing lots of laughs and lots of heartfelt emotions along with you. I treasure your stories and am always thrilled with each new installment.


Good shit. I hope you return to us soon.

Wait, the game has this good of a twist?! Fuck! This is good shit!

It felt like half as much content in chapter 2, but the story that's there is enjoyable. The characters are intriguing and their actions are understandable, although they're equally as easy to judge. It's a good dynamic and makes the story interesting.

First chapter's pretty good. This will be one to watch.

Loving my time with the game so far. The modeling is done in Koikatsu, right? The images are placed exceptionally well, and the story is enthralling. There are expressive characters and a tremendous theme of camaraderie. Each scene has so many variables that it baffles my mind to think about how much time must have been spent forming each image, and adjusting the camera to take every perspective picture.

My sole criticism is that I am ruffled by the word "fag" being used twice in my ~3 hours of time spent with the game so far, by sympathetic characters. It comes off highly insensitive when the characters are otherwise so perceptive to the feelings of others.

I'm only at Chapter 8, but I intend to keep reading. There's so much soul and heart in the story and I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop. Thank you!

Good game.

It just kind of clicked after a bit. Really awesome detail, and it fits her personality.

Thanks for getting back to me, and for informing me! Awesome reference.

Asteria is friggin' AWESOME.

Also, I highly appreciate that her colors are the same as a Final Fantasy Behemoth. That's gotta be intentional, right? Because, goddamn.

Good game, good characters. There's a bit of intrigue and I'm interested in seeing how things continue to develop.

Stawer, don't work yourself to death here. We love the content, and we absolutely appreciate your updates and your work ethic, but if you're working 14+ hours a day, you've gotta sit back a bit. The last thing we want is for you to keel over from exhaustion and/or burnout. Promise us that you'll take some time for yourself and not overdo it, okay? Maybe I'm over-reacting a bit, but yeah- just please take it easy sometimes.

Rock on.

Good game. Chloe is my favorite. Frankly, the characters are all good.

Happy Birthday! Rock onnn

Slammin' good game, as expected. We're hitting the ground running.

That "vertical scroll" option for the social tab sounds like a great idea and more games like this need to implement something like it. I appreciate it when developers have good Quality of Life stuff like this so I don't have to click through menus as much to see pertinent information.

yay one try and I won.

also lmao at the spirits within reference.

You got me to shed tears. Good work.

Despite my tears, the only thing I'm truly sad about is knowing that I don't have much more to go through before I'm caught up with the game. Shiiit.

This's top tier.

Thank you. I will be looking forward to it!

I'd like to apologize to the creator of this game. Over half a year ago, I unknowingly met him in a Discord and told them I didn't like the protagonist of the game after only playing it for about five minutes.

I have played the game much longer now and he has grown on me much. Beyond that, the game itself has been very good so far, and I'm enjoying the story.

Please know that a foolish but appreciative person on the internet has acknowledged their mistake and appreciates the game you make. Thank you.

Yeah, that got a good LOL from me.

I've been playing the game since roughly October of last year and have been enjoying it exponentially since I began.

I want to get the bad out of the way quickly: every so often, there's some strange vernacular and/or grammar with the English translation of the game. That's literally the only problem I have.

The characters in this game are wonderful, the story is interesting with its parallel world concept, and the general direction of the game is just wonderful. The music choice is also very relaxing and the game just radiates a "chill" atmosphere. Stawer really puts his everything into this game, and it shows.

As if this weren't enough, he went ahead and overhauled the game to flow easier at the beginning. Heck, the new UI he put into place is also fantastic. Every update adds a ton of great content and makes Argleton come alive even more. This game's top quality and I have to recommend people try it.

You beautiful sunovabitch! You did it! Congratulations and thank you!

Bought the game on Steam on release and it kicks ass. Great art, great tunes, great story. Please enjoy.

Please help Timmy. I'm worried about him. Them Xenomorphs ain't kind.

Cool game. Looks like it's got a lot of potential.

I don't think the game's dead. The dev's just not in a situation where it's very easy to work on the game, from what I've heard. Best of luck and hope things get better.

This is a wonderful and sweet game. Short, but sweet, and all it needs to be.

And damn, that pixel art? Great work!

I'm into the game quite a bit now and highly enjoying it. The characters are a lot of fun and the saturated colors in the artwork really give the game a different feeling compared with many other Eroge- and the character designs for all of the characters are also extremely well done. Great work!

If I have one request, it's that I think there should be a main "overhead" map for the entire town. Navigating between the cafe, the office, Jennifer's house, Eleanor's Apartment, etc... would be much easier with a single static map of the entire town, making things much simpler to parse. It may take away from the game's overall aesthetic, but I think the added simplicity will help the game in the long run. Getting lost in menus is a turn-off, and I think the game's strong point is its characters over its locales. Don't get me wrong, though- the background designs have been very well done so far!

You're a madman, remaking everything like this. Eternal respect.

I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. The characters are well done, the music is well chosen for the scenes, and there's an appropriate level of campiness mixed with seriousness in the plot. It will be nice to see how the game develops.

You rock and so do these changes.

Looks great! I like the image you made for the Exit screen.

bahahaha welcome to the club

You're a madman and I have nothing but respect for you for going through such an undertaking. This is really bold. Good work.

This is a good game and I hope it gets circulated more.