RUN REN RUN-yeah they were following him up the stairs-that's when he noticed a carpet hanging from one of the clothes lines. Hmmm...maybe a parachute?
So, we all know that-Ren-he doesn't think....AT ALL. ANYWAYS-He grabbed it-and threw it, then jumped on it like it was a skateboard.
"Okay-everything is gonna b-"
Of course, it quickly went down, and Ren fell down with it.
WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOW? IT STARTS FUCKING FLOATING-and Ren is now laying on it, floating in mid air. His eyes widened as the carpet flew off-he gripped onto it, eyes wider than the moon-Abu was holding onto Ren's leg for dear life-POOR ABU-
Mission accomplished.
"Oh-oh my god-"
He was breathing heavily, out of breathe. He buried his face into the carpet, his grip slowly weakening.
"Thank you so much carpet-or whatever the hell you are-skateboard-object-thing-"
He laughed, sighing happily. He slowly started relaxing, positioning himself for his back was laying flat on the carpet. Abu crawled next by him, pulling his hair-
He grabbed Abu, picking him up, looking at him.
"Listen-it was your fault for stealing that so-carelessly."