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Hello! Thank you very much for your thoughts, they're super appreciated ^^ Feel free to tell us about those peeves if you want, since we're aware there's room for improvement.

We're also really happy to hear about that, since, while Cor is a dating sim and those things will happen, it's also a friendship journey, and we want that to count even in other routes, and not only with Robert, so hearing "he's not my type" and see people are still interested in them is one of the highest compliemnts someone can give us. Thank you <3

As for the fanfic, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm definitely curious, so if you ever want to share it, I'd love to give it a read!

Overall, we'll post a devlog in a few days since it's been a while, but all this support is really helping us moving forward with this project. We thank you all for this~


Regarding my peeves, I do think they're not all that relevant since they're elements that have their place in the story one way or another. One of them is how every character seems to enjoy physical intimacy from the get go, and it comes off a bit artificial to me how everyone ends up wanting to cuddle with Robert from day 1, even when it's something unusual for them, specially with Hector not being too much of a physical person, but I can see that being somewhat necessary to better homogenize relationship development across the different routes, to some extent, which also makes sense considering they're not gonna stay in Cor for an indefinite amount of time.

Another peeve of mine was the introduction of powers, though it's not much an issue when I consider the possibilities they present for future events, and while I do think they'd be better off in a different story focused on the more supernatural side of their world (along with the miracle caves and whatnot), I don't really mind them as long as they're there mostly for flavor and don't slow down the pace of the story, as in, not replacing relationship development time with long exposition segments or something like that.

Other than that, there's only a few things I can think of, like Hector suddenly doing such a good psychological intervention, which for a while felt like an excuse to bring him into the spotlight, since he hadn't had a more serious plot-relevant scene just yet, but it still made sense for him to act the way he did.
Oh, and I did find the "fanservice scenes" on day 3 a bit odd for Faust in particular, the heat transferring thing seemed a bit out of nowhere, and while Hector's was a bit much, it still felt in-character, just showing a more reckless side of him, so it's mostly Faust's that felt a bit off to me.

Anything else I could think of regarding criticism would probably be just a small nitpick, like me wanting Ed to not wear his beanie once in a while cuz I really like how his hair looks 😌

I wouldn't really share my fanfic since, for the most part, I consider it too self indulgent and NSFW (aka a bit trashy lol), but it's been fun to write while waiting for an update, it's helped me realize that there are many ways the story and its characters could go, since I've been considering many things that are already in the story, even if only mentioned briefly, like Mike's family, Rob's relationship with Jacob, Faust's personal goals and desires, the things Gus has done while Rob and Ed were away during all those years, their lives at Morelin... among other things that I've enjoyed coming up with, and a couple twists I have yet to write.
It's also been a very good excuse to gush about my favorite characters in a more meaningful way, with Mike being my fav at the moment.

That being said, I'm very excited to see whatever's coming in the future, and I'm glad to know we're getting a new devlog soon, so I'll be waiting patiently. Thanks for the hard work and do stay safe!


Thanks for your thoughts, really! I understand those points, although I'm glad most of them still make sense even when they happen.

I can confirm that the power thing is mostly a flavor thing to add to my own world (and because, ideally, I'd like to continue working on other stories after Cor). While it has some relevancy, as it's something that exists, it's never going to be the main point of this story in particular.

As for the beanie, I will definitely consider it in a future update, so, when you see that happen, it'll be because of you c:

Overall, thanks for taking your time telling us about your thoughts, and stay safe too!