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Team Ether

A member registered Feb 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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No problem at all!  For better or worse I'm way more free now, and I'm pretty sure we can get the Gus update hopefully before summer ends! If not, shortly after, but it's definitely coming! And sorry for not keeping up, having free time is a VERY recent thing for me lately.

You'd be surprised lol

Unfortunately, when it comes to Cor, most of the stuff is already covered or planned (even if it takes seven thousand years to do it), but we appreciate the offer! ^^

Thank you very much for your feedback! It's always humbling to read these comments <3

I am genuinely sorry to hear that that scene kind of soured your experience. The warning for mature subjects refer to moments like that one, and we knew it could be a tough read for some people. 

I understand where your thoughts are coming from, but I believe the reactions of that day wouldn't change from any of the characters, no matter who you have more affinity with. That being said, wounds don't close so quickly, so I promise they'll have more serious but tender conversations about what happened in his future update ^^ Expect a few bumps here and there, though, communicating sometimes is hard. Not impossible, just hard.

Overall, all I can promise is that the final result will show a positive outlook of everything, since that was always the aim of this VN <3

I genuinely didn't know this would be such an issue when I wrote that lmao

Oh! Thanks for letting us know! These don't tend to happen a lot, but we still need to make sure they work in case they do. We'll look into it! ^^

It's here now! Sorry for the delay, and we hope you enjoy it c:

Android version has been uploaded! We hope you enjoy it ^^

Hello! Some time ago, Yaka ( ) contacted me about translating Cor into chinese, I know he's worked on it for a while, but there's more progress being done. If you want, feel free to DM him and ask for more details! ^^

Dang, that IS high praise for us, since we wanted to do a similar feeling, give a positive view of things while approaching some other subjects. I really appreciate hearing that ^^

Another thing I'm really glad to hear about, since I was slightly very worried about that, but I did the best I could and I'm very proud of the end result. I'm very happy to hear it was worth it.

Overall, we're happy to hear you're enjoying it~!

Glad to hear you're enjoying it! Thanks for letting us know, it's really appreciated ^^

Right, it's not really a bug since I kind of forgot to update the gallery too whoops. Will be fixed soon along with the .apk version c: Again, thanks a lot for letting us know!

Awwr, thank you so much for checking on us! It really means a lot ^^ I personally apologize for the complete silence, I've just been discovering I suck at keeping up with people online, especially if I'm low on energy (which, because of my job kinda happens quite a bit), but we're still up and kicking!

Things are going fine overall, life has been busy, but good luckily. My main problem has been that I've lost a lot of inspiration when it came to art, and finishing the CGs that I had left has taken way longer than I would have liked. BUT they're almost done, after that we have to make sure they work properly in the VN. 

I'm just gonna say I have my reasons to have this update ready, if not by the end of this month, in the beginning of the next one~

And this time I mean it c:

Sorry it took me so long to reply! But thank you very much again! ;w; I'm really happy that it resonated with you that much, and I hope the future updates will be just as enjoyable ^^

As for the art, I always love when people tell me that, since I love drawing expressions and showing personality through the poses and stuff. Hearing that it has that effect on people is a huge compliment, so thank you <3

It is! It just takes us forever due to life happening, but we're continuing when we get a chance ^^ And thanks~!

Thank you very much! It's really appreciated ^^

A joke, but we -are- taking too long, and by we I mean "I", as Aion lol

But we hope you'll like the future content, we're still working on it!

Actually, yes! The middle update to fix and improve the first six days is almost ready and it's definitely being released at some point during this month! And I'll make a devlog explaining what's been going on when I have enough free time, but, long story short, with some help... Day 7 won't take too long either~!

Sadly not yet, since I'm still working on the CGs of Day 7, plus fixing stuff from previous Days so things read better (plus I'm back to working again lol)...

That being said, Day 7 is fully written, which is the largest part to do, so hopefully we won't take too long!

The main idea was going to be kind of like that, but since we're doing pretty long days, we have more than enough time to progress Robert's relationships while the events happen. Having 15 days at this rate would make the pacing feel... Strange? At the very least, not what we're looking for right now ^^

Remember that sleeping is important, Cor will be there for when you wake up ^^

Thank you very much for your high praise, especially regarding the characters, it's inspirational to help us keep doing our best! And don't worry, sharing the game with others is appreciated, but not necessary, we're aware we're not for everyone.

If you end up doing fanart, feel free to send us a DM on Twitter or tag us! We'd love to see it!

We're happy to hear you liked Day 6! Hopefully we can help other people with this story, and hearing it inspired you fills me with a lot of joy ^^ Thank you for letting us know!

Ah, yes, the "Suitcase" ending. You get it by making space for Gus by throwing away all of Ed's comics (impossible)

Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far!

That's a very good mentality to have! We'll make sure those days are packed with content ^^

I'd like to believe it's also followed by a toy ambulance to heal up.

I like this example lol

Thank you very much, by the way!

Hello! For some reason, Cor05 stuck with the Android version, but it's confirmed it's the 0.6 version. Honestly, I don't know why, because I re-uploaded it twice, and it's still called Cor05... It'll be something we'll look into in the mid update ^^

We re-uploaded the updates to fix an error where the faces of two characters disappeared in the beginning of a CG. Whoops! It shouldn't be a problem anymore <3

Right, that is the error you get if you don't start a fresh game, if you press ignore or you do that it won't happen. Sorry, there was no other solution than to warn people about it :x

Whoops, yeah, that's not intentional lol, we had a bit of a similar situation with a future CG and we managed to make it work, so we'll try and get that fixed soon. Thanks for letting us know!

Thank you so much for the genuine words! I'll never get tired to read people's thoughts.

I'm definitely remembering "an other-worldly visitor" and "imperfect is just perfect" and putting them on my wall, I'm absolutely happy to hear this. I always wanted to create my own little world that I could share with people, and make stories in it. Hopefully, I'll improve overtime, but I'm just happy that people are enjoying this one already. Really, I hugely appreciate it ^^

I'm glad to hear that it gives you those vibes, because calm is definitely one of the things I wanted to transfer with this story. It's ok to take a break sometimes after all.

Mike will be more available soon, that I can promise lol

Ok, I'm officially a fan of this take. I love the way you just described it, and it made me so happy and so proud of using this artstyle for this story. Thank you so much! More will definitely be coming very soon, hope you enjoy it ^^

I have to admit, this is a very interesting take for me, because, in a way, you're right in that I "settled" with my style instead of trying to aim for one more usual in these kind of VNs, and I did it with a specific intention, but it's also not the one you stated there, since the idea was to just "give it a shot", take it as a chance to learn more ^^

That being said! I'm very glad to hear it caused that impression to you, it's a really interesting way for me to see it or even play around with. Thanks for letting us know! 

We hope you continue to enjoy Cor in general!

Hello! It's alright, practice makes perfect, and it's honestly pretty good!

Cor is supposed to be a story that requires no rush, so always take your time when playing it!

We're glad to hear you're enjoying it so far, and we hope the next updates do that too! Thanks for playing and taking your time to let us know!

Thank you very much for your kind words! And sorry that we took this long to reply to you, it's been a busy month.

Yes, the personal powers are something that are part of everyone's life, but it's not going to be the focus of this story. It's just something that exists, and that's it. Won't get more relevant than it has been in this last update.

We hope you have a great day too!

Whoops! Totally meant Day 6, my bad. I'm terrible with numbers, even if it's just one lol. 

And thank you very much! It means the world to us to read that ^^

Thanks for your thoughts, really! I understand those points, although I'm glad most of them still make sense even when they happen.

I can confirm that the power thing is mostly a flavor thing to add to my own world (and because, ideally, I'd like to continue working on other stories after Cor). While it has some relevancy, as it's something that exists, it's never going to be the main point of this story in particular.

As for the beanie, I will definitely consider it in a future update, so, when you see that happen, it'll be because of you c:

Overall, thanks for taking your time telling us about your thoughts, and stay safe too!

Hello! Thank you very much for your thoughts, they're super appreciated ^^ Feel free to tell us about those peeves if you want, since we're aware there's room for improvement.

We're also really happy to hear about that, since, while Cor is a dating sim and those things will happen, it's also a friendship journey, and we want that to count even in other routes, and not only with Robert, so hearing "he's not my type" and see people are still interested in them is one of the highest compliemnts someone can give us. Thank you <3

As for the fanfic, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm definitely curious, so if you ever want to share it, I'd love to give it a read!

Overall, we'll post a devlog in a few days since it's been a while, but all this support is really helping us moving forward with this project. We thank you all for this~

Thank you very much! As for the question, I'm afraid I can't give that up yet, but the characters will give you hints or directly tell you overtime if when it actually happens ^^

Thank you very much for the compliment~ As for the answer, all the characters will be available as romance routes. All you have to do is make sure you spend the most time with them and, soon in the future, you'll be in their route!

First of all, thank you very much! Those are definitely words that pushes us to try harder, it's really, really appreciated ^^

I know the art is not the highest quality, but, in a way, I made the decision to go into this project with my own artstyle, even if I knew it would push away some people (nothing wrong with that, I get it). Cor is a bit of a personal story of mine, though, so it woud have felt wrong to get someone else to do the assets, even if they'd end up looking better (although I'd say different, but... You know what I mean lol). Besides, it's a good chance for me to improve in that aspect, as long as people don't mind too much~

We're really glad to hear about the characters feeling complex, because that's absolutely where we wanted to nail it. It's been really encouraging to see people taking them seriously when needed and enjoying them. It's really humbling~

As for the time and Patreon, we hugely appreciate it. We'll still try to get things done a bit faster, but we know we're not being rushed, and we hope we can make each update worth it as a result <3 Also, we never wanted to make Cor as a monetary product. The only reason Patreon is up is in case people REALLY wanted to support us so we could occassionally hire some help here and there. We've always tried to make that clear, the game will be produced with or without money, that's for sure ^^

Overall, sorry for the long reply, but there were a few points I wanted to respond to, and it's highly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to play it and let us know how you feel about it~!

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the compliment about the art, since I know it's not the usual artstyle for VNs of this style. I'm glad to see people enjoy it~

Damn, that is high praise, thank you very much!

The room error is one that has been there since the previous update and I completely forgot to fix it lmao, I'm definitely keeping it in mind for the next one. As for the other one, I see what you mean, and you're right. I don't remember exactly when that happens, but I'll definitely look it up.

Again, thanks a lot for reporting these! It's hard to keep track to everything, so mistakes are bound to happen, this helps me fix them next time ^^

Ah, we're sorry to hear that. Is this about the Android version? We tested it a few times and it seems to work fine, but admittedly it's the version that gives us most troubles :x