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The first part felt very atmospheric and foreboding, nice use of the parallel bell-like and string-like parts. The second part also had a very nice texture, but I kind of wish it had a little more melodic stuff going on; after a while, it felt just a tad too repetitive for my taste. I did like the transition between the two parts, however, and also the fade-out where you pick up the parallel movement motif again.

Cheers! Yeah fair enough, I can be very melodic as per the first section but I’m equally drawn to evolving timbres and textures as I am melody, which I guess is why I opted for less of a melodic focus later. With more time I’d have probably added more melodic hints in that part but always wanted it to be subtle there and then allow for a more impactful return of the motif later, if that makes sense. Thanks for listening!


Fair, makes perfect sense! I think it's also more a matter of personal taste than any sort of objective criticism :)