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A member registered Jan 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! We reused a small custom backend that I wrote for one of our previous games. Nothing too fancy, but gets the job done.

That music track is quite the jam! Pretty solid endless game, though it starts off a little slowly. The explosions are pretty funny, too, though they probably should move along with the street instead of the UI layer. All in all, not a bad start!

A perfectly fine little platformer. Nothing too groundbreaking, but controls feel decent and level design (from what I’ve played) was fine, too.

I think it might be a bit of a missed opportunity that you didn’t try to incorporate the prerequisite because I think doing so leads to some creative stuff you wouldn’t normally come up with. But if you want to use a jam to improve your design skills, that’s of course perfectly fine, too :)

I gotta be honest, I was surprised how good this game was! Drawing with your right mouse button is a really nice minigame that’s a lot more interesting than hitting a hot key in my opinion. Definitely needs a little polishing and probably a bit of balancing, but definitely a really neat concept. Well done!

Obviously, so far this is more of a fun little toy than a game, but it is pretty cute! I like that you even added a small walk cycle and the hats were a nice surprise. Keep making games!

Very nice little platformer with a very nice atmosphere. I love how you managed to create a pretty vivid world with such limited resources.

Making the game screen based was certainly an interesting decision and I’m not sure I love it, but it kinda works. As others have mentioned, a little more indication how strong your jump will be might be nice, but other than that, I got a pretty good hang of the controls pretty quickly.

All in all, one of my favourite entries so far. Nice job!

Interesting game. Had one attempt with a pretty simple week 1, then week 2 wrecked me (though I admit I probably played far from perfectly).

Probably needs a little more balancing in the long term. Right now, Circus seems pretty useless cause it doesn’t scale with anything and you can easily reach week 1 without using it? Also, rerolling costs seem to escalate somewhat quickly, but I guess that’s to keep players from forcing a certain strategy? I guess in that case, it might be nice if sold building slots are eventually filled with something else.

Promising start, though, that might lead to some interesting places. Well done!

Very solid entry! No major complaints here. I like that you used the entirety of the mouse for your controls and having a survivor count was a nice diegetic (and slightly morbid) way to add a scoring system. Wind particles were also a super nice touch.

You’re still not completely safe from some criticism, though. The music was super nice, but maybe a little too relaxed considering everything else about the game was pretty tense? And if I’m not mistaken, part of the building layout is procedurally generated? I think I’d prefer a fixed level layout in this case, or at least a slightly more consistent difficulty in generation, because I felt like some layouts were a lot more tough than others. Maybe I just have really bad memory, though. Also both of these are definitely nitpicks.

Still, all in all, one of the strongest and most polished entries I’ve played so far. Great job!

Oh cool, someone else who took “mouse controls” literally :D

This was surprisingly enjoyable! Controls felt a bit awkward and while I like floor hitboxes being this lenient, I feel like it made ceiling hitboxes a little too restrictive at times. I also think the game should capture the mouse and make it impossible for it to leave the screen. Not entirely sure why the cheese snaps to a grid, but fine enough.

Having the cheese be blocked by walls was a neat little idea that set this game apart from other mouse-based platformes I’ve seen in this jam. I also really want to commend the level design here; I thought the difficulty curve was pretty much perfect. Fell down a couple of times which was frustrating, but never enough so to make me give up.

THe mouse sprite is pretty cute and I liked the idea of the cheese being nibbled away if you’re not careful. The other sprites could maybe use a little more work, but they were legible enough. Some sound would have also helped.

All in all, though, I’m pretty impressed by this entry. Definitely my favourite of the rage platformers I’ve played so far.

Thanks! Yeah, this was the first time we tried to add an interactive tutorial to one of our games. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out :)

Thanks for your feedback! That’s a problem I haven’t really encountered yet since you can jump pretty much immediately after starting to run again, but I agree that obstacle spawns can be a little mean at times.

… Did I just commit rat genocide?

Interesting game. I think I killed all the white rats, but there was no feedback that I had achieved some sort of goal, so I’m not sure I actually did what was asked of me? Also never quite understood what the ore was for.

Controlling mobs of rats like this is fun, but when I selected too many rats at once, the game stuttered quite a bit (~ half a second I would say) when choosing a target. I guess it runs some slow pathfinding algorithm for every single rat? I wonder if there’s a better way to do this, for example have some precalculated paths for a couple of nodes and just look for the nearest ones or something like that?

I quite like the visuals!

Feels pretty unfinished, but might turn into an interesting game. Though I would advise to have a little more theming than just “kill everyone who doesn’t belong to our group”.

Sorry if I came off a bit harsh earlier. I think part of the reason I gave up relatively quickly was that this was the third rage-esque game I had played in a row and my frustration tolerance was already a bit low. Level design seemed pretty decent from what I could tell and I generally enjoyed the platforming all in all (though I still prefer crisp controls).

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, we wanted the game to be relatively short and “one more time”-ish, but in hindsight, we probably should have increased the minimum spawn distance a bit. Badly placed pidgeons or coffee cups definitely happened a couple of times to me, too.

Pretty good endless runner. One point I’d like to point out is that the background looks pretty nice, but when it moves as fast as it does, it’s a little vertigo-inducing. We also had that problem in our game and we found desaturating the colors helped a lot with that.

Also, I think you might have the parallax effect the wrong way round; the foreground stuff should move faster than the background stuff, otherwise it looks like the foreground is moving forwards.

The scoring system could probably be a little more interesting.

Artwork and SFX were pretty nice and very theme-appropriate. The music loop could have benefited from being a little longer, but I enjoyed the vibes of it.

All in all, pretty solid entry, good job!

Neat little game. The control scheme felt pretty good, but I would have liked if the car behaved a little more like a car, i.e. be able to go faster but at the cost of making turning harder. The camera lean was a bit too much for me, but other than that, the visuals were pretty nice and the music was calm and relaxing. Good job!

Ooh, what a cute idea! I honestly have no idea if there’s any way to influence when the cat will do what action, but I certainly enjoyed trying to make it jump around the appartement. Also lovely art style and good sound design, nice work!

Cute little idea. Kind of interesting to use a desert city setting. I feel like the motion blur doesn’t really do the game any good, but apart from that, the visuals are pretty nice. Also, kind of wish I had a run button.

Nice little endless runner. I needed a while to get used to the controls (and something about moving right stills seems off to me, though I can’t quite put my finger on it), but once I did, I quite enjoyed it. Probably needs some sound and I think the camera jitter gets a little unconfortable after a while, but otherwise a pretty nice start!

Looks very pretty! Nice to see an RTS game featured, I used to play a couple of them as a kid, though never very well.

I played for 7 days, then got bored and quit. Is it intended that almost all blue troops spawn on the right? Also, that they don’t care for my buildings and just attack my troops? I don’t really feel like I ever was in much danger or had much to do.

I think this game doesn’t need much to be fun; mainly something to do while waiting for troops. Maybe have a hospital where units can go to get healed. Maybe damage buildings that can be repaired. Maybe some other form of resource gathering.

Visually, this game is great and I also quite enjoy the marching soundtrack. I think you could turn this into something pretty cool with a little more work.

An interesting little story. Not usually a huge fan of interactive fiction, but I quite enjoyed the writing in this one and I’m glad it didn’t overstay its welcome. Nice job!

Cute little game. Theme felt a little slapped on; setting the game in space would for example make a lot more sense to me, but gameplay was fun enough and I liked the generous checkpointing. Good job!

Interesting choice to have a cat as a playable character, probably one of the most dextrous animals alive, but then have it decelate super slowly like it’s walking on ice. Controls were a cool concept and I sort of enjoyed it, but in the end, the slow deceleration was a little too frustrating to me, so I gave up after a while. I like the cat animation

(1 edit)

I admit I’ve never played the original game, but I can see why it went viral. This seems like a neat recreation. Well done!

EDIT: Oh, and a couple of bugs I noticed:

  • Retry doesn’t seem to work
  • In the progression path, roundabout and the black-and-white sign (no idea what that one is called in English) are the wrong way around.

Cute, though the theme feels a little slapped on to be honest.

I think it would more sense to capture the mouse when you click the puck. The way it is now, it makes a huge difference if I play in windowed mode versus fullscreen mode since I can land much more powerful shots in windowed mode.

Not entirely sure why you went for a puck and then gave it so much friction. I feel like a puck should be more slidy? Maybe that’s because you usuall use it on ice, though.

I quite like the background artwork!

Overall, a pretty neat entry. Nothing groundbreaking, but I enjoyed it enough to play through the entire thing. Well done!

A clicker game where you have to make your own difficulty curve? Interesting concept. Sort of violates the golden rule of game design (players will optimize the fun out of your game), but that being said, I still quite enjoyed this. Maxed out the left and the middle slot before getting overpowered and I think the right slot is endless? So I’ll count that as a win.

Also, nice job on music and sound design!

Thanks! Those are supposed to be electrical boxes, not paper. If you want to paint the walls and have more creative freedom, you can do that on the title screen.

Interesting idea, almost more a sort of meditative experience than a game. I’m not sure the choice of palette is ideal, as there are some very similar colors in there that are super hard to distinguish. If you want to push it more into the game direction, some sort of win / lose condition would probably help.

Cute looking game, but man, this game does not pull any punches. That’s a brutal first obstacle you’ve put in the game. The tree stumps are pretty small platforms and then you’re required to do like half a dozen wall jumps in a row? As the very first challenge of the game? I managed to get up once, then fell down, got frustrated and stopped playing.

I think the controls are a pretty fun idea, but you need to tutorialize them better. I needed a while to even figure out I could use the right mouse button to capture my mouse cursor because the image was out of reach.

I think this is a really cool idea for a platformer, but it could probably use some more simple level design. You need to remember that other people have never controlled the character you’ve created before, so they need a while to get used to the controls.

I appreciate you added a jump sound effect :)

All in all, this looks like a cool idea and I’d be interested to see it developed a bit further.

This is a cool little concept for a rage game, but after one decent failed attempt at getting over the wall, I had to stop playing.

I think the main thing that needs work here is the camera. RIght now, it’s way too jittery and induced some vertigo for me. I think a thing that might already help would be to fix its height.

Controls were deliberately janky, but I think even with janky controls, you need to take some care to make them feel good. Right now, tiny changes in how long I held the mouse button seemed to have a huge influence on how the jump turned out. Maybe having a nonlinear curve here where the strength gain slows down the longer you hold the mouse button. Maybe some sort of visual indicator where your jump ends up going would be nice, even if that goes somewhat against the rage concept.

All in all, I think you have a pretty cool concept here that just needs some more polishing to turn into a fun game.

Thank you!

Heh, what a silly little game. Took me a little under 2 minutes to complete. The game definitely used the prerequisite in a more creative way than I have seen so far. Cars were somewhat hard to control, but I assume that’s sort of the point.

I think I personally would have preferred to lean even more into the silly direction, with sillier music and silly sound effects and the like. Might also have been interesting to have different cars control differently. Still, all in all, a nice little waste of time.

Nice little city builder game, I enjoyed puzzling my way through the levels, though I found level 2 by far the hardest for some reason. Also nice level of polish. My only major suggestion would be to somehow enable the player to see the scoring system without having to use trial and error, and a minor nitpick is that it might be nice to be able to skip the restart animation. All in all, a really solid entry, though, nice job!

Did a couple of attempts and lasted for ~20 s. I’m dizzy now.

Having an endless runner on a planet surface is a sort of neat concept. In practice, I feel like just setting in a planar city would have fitted the theme better, though, or at least increase the planet’s radius. Might also help with reducing how much vertigo this game induces.

I like how you added a difficulty curve by increasing the spawn rate, but it might also be worth thinking about starting slower and gradually increasing the pidgeon’s speed or maybe just generally reduce the speed.

Graphics were pretty neat. Could use some sound effects.

Pretty fun for a couple of seconds, nice job.

Didn’t realize you could make games on phones now, not bad! The game itself is pretty basic, but fun enough and I like that you added a slight difficulty curve, both in terms of level design and the car getting faster after a few turns.

One thing that I think would be nice is if you could see the car’s outline behind buildings, because it’s kind of hard to estimate its position right now. Also, might be nice to bind left and right turns to the left and right mouse button instead of just alternating.

Definitely could use a little sound.

Overall, a neat little start!

Oh hey, a fellow graffiti artist :D

I like the game’s concept. I got bored after 6 / 10 tags, though. I think you’ve got a good start, though, and there would be a couple of ways you could make the game more exciting:

  • First of all, I think it’s a little weird that doing the graffiti effectively gains you distance to the police and there’s no sort of time pressure or anything. Sort of breaks the immersion a little.

  • The car also does not at all feel like a car to control with no braking / accelerating and no turning circle. Also not sure why the graffiti artist uses a car at all. Maybe having a character run on foot would make more sense here.

  • The city map is huge and after a while, searching for new graffiti cans got pretty tedious. Some sort of minimap or indicator might help with that.

Presentation-wise, the artwork is nice, but the game could maybe use a little more polish. The title song was pretty cool and makes me somewhat scared of AI.

All in all, a nice start that could probably be expanded upon.

Nice little twist on the twinstick shooter genre. Generally not a huge fan of the genre, but I quite enjoyed the added aspect of having to constantly turn around to see if I was in danger. Nicely done!

Controls are very wonky in this one. I’m pretty sure I would have preferred if the WASD keys were always relative to the current camera angle and not to the player.

Graphics look decent.

Gameplay-wise, there just isn’t much there yet, so it’s hard to judge. I’m also not sure how much can be done with the engine. Keep working on it, though! Might turn into something nice.

Interesting little game. As others mentioned, the best strategy here seems to just spam-click, which isn’t very interesting. Maybe a cooldown of some sort might help?

Huh. I didn’t really understand what was happening and then I died. Interesting idea, but I wasn’t sure if there was some sort of win condition?

As a side note, there is a Pointer Lock API, but I’m not sure if and how Godot supports it.