Hey, is it possible to get a single png with all the assets ? I don't use Godot but didn't see any way to buy just the spritesheet. I just need the raw gimp png. You had this format for the pixel items - would really appreciate it.
I guess I should have bought the PixelMob item instead - didn't see that until now :) is it possible you could send the .png to me via email ? BTW love your art - would be interested in a bundle in the future with all your work. BTW slowly using your work in this game https://github.com/goblinhack/zorbash
Thanks. I don't think the mob sprites where ever totally joined like the items were? Maybe each Mob joined with others of the same type? I am not sure it would be easier to use joined either? It might be more efficient but can use TexturePacker or ShoeBox or Unity or Godot to join them into a sprite sheet in a build step anyway to negate that efficience gain... idk
This does the trick, in case anyone else needs to join the images: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20075087/how-to-merge-images-in-command-line...