looks awesome!
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Just to let you know Henry - I've used a few of your monsters in https://goblinhackgmailcom.itch.io/zorbash -thanks!
Hey just to let you know - I've been using some of these in https://goblinhackgmailcom.itch.io/zorbash - my only problem is creating enough magical items to match your output :)
Very nice - I'll use these in https://goblinhackgmailcom.itch.io/zorbash
Indeed :) Too lazy to change my name from a game I worked on a decade ago, lol. https://github.com/goblinhack
Zorbash is a classical roguelike, with pixelart and ascii modes. This is an early pre-alpha-early-access-whatever release. Feedback is welcome.
Thanks! - modified them a bit and downscaled and used a few of them in https://github.com/goblinhack/zorbash . I've credited you there too.
Thanks these look great - I'll use them in a little roguelike I'm working on (and add you to the credits page) - fyi https://github.com/goblinhack/zorbash
This does the trick, in case anyone else needs to join the images: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20075087/how-to-merge-images-in-command-line...
I guess I should have bought the PixelMob item instead - didn't see that until now :) is it possible you could send the .png to me via email ? BTW love your art - would be interested in a bundle in the future with all your work. BTW slowly using your work in this game https://github.com/goblinhack/zorbash