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Another great game, Warkus! There is some serious bullshittery going on with some of the mechanics, but learning to prepare for and overcome the bullshit was part of the charm in a way.

Some major ones are:

- Enemies move at the same speed as you, so as soon as you move within one tile of an enemy they will continue to follow you at the same pace, making it impossible to run away. Because of this, you WILL take as many hits as it takes for you to kill them with a melee weapon.

- Going south through a hallway makes it so that you cannot see what is 2 spaces ahead of you. Also, opening your map one square before a room doesn't populate it like going another direction does, so going south should always be avoided unless necessary.

- Until you get a melee weapon kit or weapon upgrade (I assume the crowbar does more base damage than the knife?) you cannot one shot any enemies. So until you get one of those, you cannot safely farm for XP unless you use a bullet which you should really save for...

- Enemies can spawn in hallways, which can be impossible to bypass without taking damage if you don't have a weapon upgrade or ammo.

- The previous point is especially bad when you get to the green area as those enemies are particularly nasty if you need to stand next to them.

Also, I'm not sure if it's intended, but you can use herbs to bypass your max HP. At first I thought it's always better to immediately use them as soon as you get them, but the poison enemies kind of make is so if you need to get hit by one, it's best to farm all the ones you can for XP and then use an herb before venturing into potentially dangerous territory.

The game really kept my attention for a while and trying to figure out how to deal with all the bullshit was actually kinda fun. Here's a screenshot of as far as I could get (the guy in front of me needs 2 hits from my melee, but I'm going to die on the next turn and there's nothing I can do).

Thanks for another amazing game, Warkus!


Hey, thanks for playing! Yep - everything you've mentioned is intentional. More or less all intricacies of mystery dungeon games. Oh and btw. there's an actual end if you want to come back to this game sometime again ;)

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Never played a mystery dungeon game before, only heard of the pokemon ones and I'm surprised if they play similar to this haha.

Oh, I figured it would just procedurally generate forever. Guess I will have to give it another try to play it to the end then!

Edit: Eyy, beat it! Again, great game Warkus. Enjoyed it very much :)

Health regen as long as you aren't starving makes Mystery Dungeon games feel quite different despite playing the same in other ways(though I'd have reported being able to see further than 1 tile in corridors as a bug)