The game was quite simple in many aspects but there are lots of great things about it regardless that can be pointed out:
The good:
The simplicity has potential, and part of it shows here. While it won't be a highly engaging action-packed game, the game is headed towards a direction where a more methodological, slower approach may do it good justice. The game can be designed with a gentler hand to emphasis more on the extremely strong atmosphere and immersion you have going on here.
In normal human tongue, what I mean to say is, you could position this game to be more narrative-driven. Think of games like Flower or on a more complex level, Journey.
I say this so because the team obviously has great understanding in inciting emotions, with the dynamic music that escalates the longer we are in darkness (or with dying torchlight). The lighting system could use more tweaking but nevertheless creates a fulfilling dark atmosphere.
To improve:
The game lacks challenge, even on the puzzle aspect.
Understandably, it is a 48hr game. But if you were to take this further, I would consider ways to add challenge. Perhaps there are monsters that threaten to snuff out your torchlight, or even the bonfires, giving them temperance when they are otherwise safe spots.
As for the lasers part, it wasn't immediately clear that we could interact with the small device when it was first introduced. Consider adding a button prompt on the screen to show that we can interact with it.
Simple game with the potential to be something a bit bigger than what it is now!