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Ayyyy, this was great haha. Love the way you've changed around the tutorial levels to be somethin' new, and the custom tiles make things really pop out. Played around with changing the visuals for a few minutes but think imma have to make somethin' with a whole new sheet now haha. Having doors instead of a shape that warps to the next level's a very very neat touch as well. Similar thing with the use of arrows, great addition to keep gameplay goin' smoothly.

The sprite for Wink's been put together super well, the entire visual style of this thing has me gushing haha. Like what ye did with the instructions screen too, everything's clear and easy to suss. Been playin' around with the engine the last few days (made one game for an article i'm workin' on as well as another for a steamer friendo) and it seems like it would've taken a bit of effort to work out block-pushing paths and counting out the holes etc. Made rough lookin' bin tiles for one of the games I made...and I gotta say, your bin tiles are a work of art haha,  Awesome stuff.

Always find early stuff like this incredibly inspiring, same with the Hollow Knight games Elvies made with Puzzle Maker recently. Reminds me of the first few months of GBStudio being in the wild. And, years on, there's some wild stuff being made with that nowadays so I can only imagine how Puzzle Maker games will look three years from now.

Rad stuff, very rad. Keep up the stellar work haha.

(Oh, aaaand my time was 14:40. But I'm considering going back and beating that time haha)

Thanks Michael! I spent about a day or two on it working pretty seriously. The sad thing is I accidentally deleted my browser history so I can’t go back and fix some of the small details I was planning to. I’m glad you had fun. Let me know if you beat 14:00. My average is 7:30