That was an awesome game !
I dig the character designs ! be it the cover art or their in game sprites, and the humor of the quest lines was pretty good as well, had a good laugh especially a certain (hidden ?) sidequest with a totally absolutely legit dealer... :p
also gotta love that awesome boss tune \m/ è_é
which i won't spoil but got a really cool and surprising variation at some point !
I only had a few issues :
- The double jump is a bit hard to use especially with keyboard controls, but i feel its mostly hard cause you made the gap between walls in the area you have to use it a bit wide and above a death pit.
- /!\ Spoiler Warning for those who haven't played yet /!\ The final boss's second phase is a bit unclear as to what to do, if you should help your friend, or let them duke it out while surviving and handling the enemies spawning.
Honestly more tiny nitpicks than anything, the game otherwise feels quite solid already, and it's quite impressive that you guys were able to pack in so much for a jam game.
Overall congrats to the whole team, you guys did great :)