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Would switching to a beam once attack speed hits a certain point reduce lag? The beam could tick at whatever rate attack speed is at. Once attack speed reaches a certain point, the individual projectiles look like a beam anyway.

This might be odd to implement when considering the stability card/stat, but optimization changes like this one would be nice for sure

I think where stability is concerned, each tick would could as one projectile hit, which would work fine in beam vs. projectile cases.

You're right, though, for beam vs. beam things would need to change, but not necessarily for the worse. Thinking about it now, each time a beam would lose a projectile, it could shorten a little until one is pushed all the way back to the shooter. Adds some good old fashioned beam on beam battling, I'm thinking like DBZ. It shouldn't be too complex to calculate the beam tick rate and stability stat to determine which beam pushes the other back and at what rate. I think increasing the size of the projectile also affects projectiles canceling each other out, which probably wouldn't be too difficult to figure out and balance and would be pretty cool.

Thought about that, but in the current way the game is programmed it would take me too much time, as I'd have to make work for each an every projectile type. But it's a cool idea though, I'll think about adding it as the ascencion for the attack speed item.

I like to play the thunderstaff and when I hit somewhere around 200% attackspeed my lightning just stops coming or comes very very slowly. I have a good pc so i dont think its lagg, is this a known bug?