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Awesome! Decided to keep a log of sorts as I played(spoilers obviously)

    Run 1, Oh, is the tutorial over already? Cool, I can break barrels with 2 sticks. Saw a snail, got shot at by something and died while admiring the snail.

    Run 2, Right, running is a thing, and it seems to destroy grass, cool. died to being a shot at by some dude.

    Run 3, Barrels can be pushed, and you can break them if you push them into spikes, oops, spikes kill you.

    Run 4, Oh, sticks can be thrown! A chest! How do I open it? Lots of soil patches, each a home for some sort of  underground monster, they don't care about barrels or chests. Pushed chest into a bad spot and when trying to get it back I got killed by Ant Lion.

    Run 5, Oh, the entrance trees have eyes in them! Saw a spider, threw a stick at it, is it dead? Oh, the guy with the gun, let's back away while I figure out what to do, oh he walks faster than me and he's called a Witch Hunter, probably should have ran instead of just walking away.

    Run 6, threw a stick at some small creature, it died. A lady with a skull icon above her! She keeps stalking me but walks slower than me so I don't even need to run but I do so anyway. A farmer? And another lady but without a skull icon both behind a door along with a trophy and a cauldron. Probably should do something about the lady following me but haven't found more sticks. Or wait, she's friendly? Or not, I bumped into her and after stopping and nothing happening turned my back to her and went to pick up a stick and got killed.

    Run 7, A witch hunter trapped behind wood walls and dashable pit, skull icon seem to indicate being aware of me, tried seeing if getting the hunter to shoot at a wall repeatedly would destroy a wall seems not but did he run out of ammo? Cool. Spider that's stuck? It overlaps a tiny bit with a wall and isn't moving, oh, it moves out to kill me alright.

    Run 8, Another lady! I'll figure you out yet! Ran straight at her and caused her to to do exclamation mark and hm sound before skull icon appeared. Yeah, she just follows me without doing anything and I can safely push her around, I guess she needs weapon to attack and last time took and used the stick before I did. Pushed her into spikes. A cauldron? I can push it around but that's it? It breaks on spikes. Another lady but with a stick, can she throw it? I should be careful. There's snail, bunch of puddles that indicate it's path and a corpse with a trophy on top of it. Another slime but one that died moving into spikes or something. Ooh, a gun, in a shop? Is that the shopkeeper? I thought it was tree roots or something. I can push her around, but not quite into nearby spikes since she seems to move harder the further away she is, or wait, I can run, yeah she's dead but so am I.

    Run 9, Only way forward is through a door, I guess I'll figure out how they work now. Walking or running at one does nothing, stick breaks it though, and alarms the farmer in the room. Oh, you can pick up bones, can't throw or attack with them though. Door alarms seem to be range based, leaving the room alarmed some tiny turbaned thing. Campfires are just obstacles. I see more rooms, ones with a swaddled babies or something. Found a cauldron, maybe enemy remains can be put into it if you can't attack with them, oh, running past a room with enemies alerted by the door bell caused one of them to throw a stick, the door is kind of weirdly positioned outside the "doorway". Cauldron makes noise if I have remains in hand when bumping into it but that's it. Huh? Did the farmer behind the door escape containment, yep and now the the villager who was behind him threw her stick too through the diagonal gap and hit something that exploded. Cool, the explosion I mean. Huh, was the door always that far out? Can enemies push doors or what? Seems so, I can now get into the room. Oh, it is a baby! And into the cauldron it went, I thought it might just make noise like remains do. Oh, now remains can go in, and all I get is another purple orb, just running over grass gives plenty of those, probably missing something. Interesting the earlie explosion destroyed wall of another room but the enemy in it is still busy pushing the door open. Is the campfire enough to make her think she can't get out? Missed and broke the door instead of her. She refuses to follow me through an Ant Lion field. I'm out of sticks, oh yeah, you could pick up barrel remains couldn't you? I hope pushing them into spikes won't get me killed. Or wait, you can't attack with them? I guess the villager would have already picked the ones explosion caused if that was the case. I might be in trouble. I can't throw babies so I taunt the lady with one for a bit and try to get her to pick it up before I throw the baby into another cauldron, this time one I've tried putting all other items into before dropping them nearby, probably doesn't matter but who knows. Still got just a purple orb, I was busy trying to throw third item into cauldron so didn't even really see anything and only the orb count in the UI tells me what happened. Can't pickup sticks from campfires. There are some chests I'd like to try pushing into spikes but they're all against the wall in unpushable position so I guess I'll just push barrels into spikes, oh, that was an explosive barrel? No cause of death reported for dying to explosion.

    Run 10, Need to be careful to not run out of sticks before I break what seemed like the exit. Seeing nothing new so far, hmm, can you break open chests? Yep, and they leave behind remains, guess I'll try adding it to cauldron with a baby, usual result. Died to a villager when she got to a stick before me.

    Run 11, Snails die to sticks. Failed to dodge a farmers stick.

    Run 12, Ah, so many sticks spent dealing with one villager lady, first I missed and learned that sticks just keep flying forever until they hit something, then I ran across Ant Lions to grab a stick but when coming back there was another stick near the villager so rushed to throw my stick at her and I was left confused about what happened, both of us lived, I think I dodged her stick while my stick just disappeared, it could be that her stick broke mine or something, if so cool but could use some sort of visual effect to indicate it and it might be better if both sticks broke. After that I finally managed to get a stick and succesfully kill her. Interesting, a coin and a barrel entirely walled off by trees and woodwalls. Woops, accidentally ran into spikes.

    Run 13, Ooh, pitchforks turn into sticks after one throw. Oh, died to a snail in a barrel.

    Run 14, Probably should leave spiders alone if they aren't actually blocking me or I discover a need for their corpses. Yeah, while I probably could avoid dying to a barrel snail if I'm careful when pushing one into spikes exploding barrels are a different matter.

    Run 15, Snail and a farmer with pitchfork, decided to just wait until snail killed the farmer, it worked! Huh, did he drop a stick and a pitchfork? Running across spikes wasn't a thing so I'd need an axplosive or something to get two coins behind spikes and trees. Uu, a gun from a chest! Another shop, with two kinds of staffs. Ok you buy by bumping into the shopkeeper. Oh, this staff creates trees? And destroys them! The other staff blows things up, probably good thing I didn't try stealing it since the shop keeper had one too. Tried killing a witch hunter but failed.

    Run 16, Another witch hunter right off the bat, 6 bullets or two bursts seems to be the limit, and sticks cancelling each other is indeed a thing and there's a small effect for when that happens, some sound that clearly communicates it would be nice. No way forward again? Broke a barrel and got shotgun? No, just a single bullet gun, tried breaking 3 chests with it and broke just one, managed to push chests into position where I can't push them further or get the whatever item one of them dropped. Right, enemies push doors, I guess I'll have to now wait for that. Oh, somehow playing around with a farmer trying to get it to keep pushing he decided to throw pitchfork at the door, yay. Well dang, after a scrappy fight of rushing at whatever sticks I could find to kill the farmer with we ran into a witch hunter and just as I was thinking about potentially baiting him into shooting the farmer I got shot.

    Run 17, Chests can indeed be broken with spikes, got explody staff, probably should test if there's limited charges. 2 teleport staffs! They do run out of charges, cauldrons recharge them? Or is it just time? Or not? At least explody staff seems to be out after 3 uses and no recharging but teleports still... worked, maybe cauldrons take charges but the one staff I ran out of charges with worked one after I bumped into active cauldron but now none of them work after repeating that with all of them so not sure what's going on. Huh, why am I out of purple orbs? Does recharging a staff take all of them? Oooh! Staffs take purple orbs to use. Time to go to next level after I've broken the remaining barrels safely using sticks. Oh, I probably could have broken out one of the witch hunters using a red barrel, oh well. Oh my! At least 6 villagers/farmers! And I'm dead.

    Run 18, Probably should start focusing on progressing instead of messing around with everything. Got shot by a witch hunter from offscreen, I did hear him but I thought I'd at least see him before dying.

    Run 19, Decided to risk breaking a barrel on spikes and got a single use gun. 3 spiders all grouped up and 2 shops next to each other blocked by trees, is the level generator ok? Died to a spider that suddenly decided to move.

    Run 20, Died to a villager after sneakily killing one alerted two others.

    Run 21, Died again in a similar situation, this time to picking up remains instead of a stick from the 1st villager I killed.

    Run 22, Villager I left alone at the start either heard me kill a farmer from like 2 screens away or just wandered there on her own and killed me.

    Run 23, Made a long line of barrels and pushed them into spikes, first and last one had snails, luckily managed to avoid dying to last one. Is there point to cauldrons once babies ran out? Found, a black bottle? Aah! Spiders are easy to forget about, they just sit there not moving.

    Run 24, feels like a whole village is around, while running around in panic game lagged or something and suddenly I was dead to spikes. Probably should restart the game.

    Run 25, game feels faster after restart.

    Run 27, baby + black potion gives single use gun. Underestimated kickback from explody staff and died to Ant Lion.

    Run 28, a knife! The only cauldron got broken by a witch hunter, probably makes the baby useless. A torch, no idea what it could be used for. Seems like I've started killing spiders whenever I can, no more dying to forgetting about them at least.

    Run 29, baby + gun is machine gun. Oh, black potion is a bomb. Machine gun has around 6-8 bursts of ammo. As nice as knife is decided to take teleport staff to next level. Woops, accidentally broke a cauldron while trying to destroy a door, no babies around so doesn't matter though. Shopkeepers can be killed with snails, not dying yourself is hard though.

    Run 30, little turbaned guys are apparently named Child.

    Run 38, Oh, you can push snails around with barrels! baby + bomb is (still) a single shot gun(forgot I'd already done that when I still thought of it as potion).

    Run 39, Spiders kill villagers!

Done playing for now, should do other stuff, definitely will play again.

Couple of ideas/suggestions I had:

  • Pulling/Grabbing or otherwise making moving things around feel more controlled and natural might be nice.
  • Game keeping track of sticks and other items I've come across(could mean touched, picked up or just seen) could be nice since they're such an important resource that determines if you can progress or not so being able to look at the UI and see that I still have sticks left somewhere on the level would be great but it's not super important.
  • Sticks being unique in their throwableness feels a bit weird, having a dedicated throw button might be worth considering.

Hey thanks for playing! This brain dump was super useful. Reading what you thought things were when you first encountered them is helpful and gives me ideas on how to communicate stuff better. Lotta great ideas in here, cheers.

"some tiny turbaned thing" made me lol! yeah it's supposed to be a villager child haha