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My eyes kind of hurt after playing for a while. Seems like a nice story, but reading white on white in combination with the noise filter really messed with me. Very nice graphics otherwise!

The music changes very often, so it would have been nice with some kind of fading between the different songs, and the music didn't loop quite seamlessly.

Very original style, please let me know if you make it less noisy and more readable and I'll give it another shot!

thanks for playing and the feedback. How far did you get before the noise was too much lol. I added it hoping it looked cool but think I was tired and wonder if it hides the artwork abit too much? 🤔


I had stolen the apron and was on my way out to the crime scene. I think the artwork stands on its own, really!

Huge thanks you are basically at chapter 2. So once your eyes have had a break maybe return via the chapter select screen (off the main menu) . Cheers for playing and feeding back 👍


And maybe not playing in fullscreen helps!