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A member registered Feb 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cool af game. Love the 3d visuals 🙌

(1 edit)

Love the graphic style 👍👌 32 bit all the way ❤️

That is a nice comment 👌👍❤️

Cool af idea. I loved dead space 👍👌

Cool concept. Not really seen anything like this before. Well done to all involved

very cool. Worked on my phone which was good. Great music and very fun. Got to the first boss but did not fancy going all through the rooms again. Maybe use more checkpoints. Well done fab game overall. Maybe mention it can be played on mobile devices to attract more players. Touch controls worked well. Check out my games if u have time :) dark paradise is pretty cool 😎 

💙💙💙💚💚💚 love the basic art sytle. Helps u focus on the game itself. Well done

Cool af artwork. Well done

😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣 rebel

so pleased you enjoyed it. The graphics where made using shapes in PowerPoint then i applied a filter in PowerPoint and exported. I was pleased with the results. Check out some of my other games for more. The owl witch and Plague and Flames used similar graphic filters... sorry to hear u got stuck on level 3... remember u can skip a level on the map to get the most out of the game. Thanks again for playing 💜👍 hope u will try my other games if u get time 

Great game. Loved the music. Well done!  Work well on mobile. Might well play again soon.

So pleased you enjoyed it and thank you for playing. You've got to watch out for those invisible fishies haha. 

In all honesty I did not came across this in testing but was quite rushedtrue to jam time constraints. Thank you for the feedback and I will check this after the jam. 😃

thank you for the feedback. Were u playing on desktop or mobile  may I ask? Did u like the graphics at all. Feedback has been positive in general 😀

Really strange. Thank you for letting me know. Can u ask if u played on desktop or mobile? Thanks again for trying and feeding back. What a shame u wearnt able to play or enjoy it. Did u try any if my other games or were u putt off?

how annoying. Sorry this did not work 4 u. Can I ask if u played on desktop or mobile? The game should work on mobile if u wanted to play it there? 

huge thanks for the feedback. I am glad u enjoyed the game.  I will think about including those particle effects.  When u say it was better than NOS. Are u regering to Nos4speed. I take it you did not enjoy it . Were u able to complete the game? Did u play on desktop or mobile? U might enjoy neon city rush or the Owl Witch on my page. 👍👌

fun story if not a little short.

Thanks for the feedback. I did show the things to avoid on the race intro page. Maybe it gets abit lost with all the other info. Or maybe it's not clear in the game. Fair feedback. I think you test a game so much you miss things others spot. Part of being a solo dev. Ha. Glad you enjoyed it mainly. We're you able to complete it? Would love your feedback on my other games if u have time. They are on my page. Cheers 2 u 😄

amazing. It honestly look like u are a pro. Well done indeed. 👏 

wow. Amazing art. 👏  the aviation were clean too. The lighting also gave a good sense of mood. How long have u been doing pixel art? Your stuff looked so good. Welll done. Solid entry 👌 

fun game. Good for what I think was your first entry. The pixel art was dope. The audio also worked well.liked the shirt intro off the menu.helped give context n set the pace. Often overlooked. Well done. Will u make more games? Did u enjoy the jam process?

cool pixel art and who doesn't like a fishing game.nice u included upgrades too. Well done on a solid entry into the jam.

our games are quite similar in two ways lol. U start above the water before diving in for example. Loved the graphics and the fact the controls were shown in the game. The audio worked well here. I think the under water graphics could be improved. Nice work though 👏 

cool game. Deff fun. Felt the art could have been a little nicer. The water looked good. but hey its hard to a sign resources during a jam. The audio was good 👍 

cool game. Deff fun. Felt the art could have been a little nicer. The water looked good. but hey its hard to a sign resources during a jam. The audio was good 👍 

Great fun and the graphics are great. The divers look awesome. Good texturing for deff. The audio when u die i s great too. In fact all the audio works nicely. The bubbles when u drop into the water r a nice touch. 👌 

cool af artwork. Really nicely put together ❤️ 

thank you. When your a solo dev u need to save time to get the 'right' look. So I drew the vector shapes and then exported those as images before running the filter in PP. You might enjoy the graphics in my game the Owl Witch too. I dud a similar thing. It's on my page. 🦉 🧙‍♀️  Enjoy it if u have time! Thanks again

huge thanks for the feedback. Glad u enjoyed the different levels and what different parts of the gameplay included 👌  check out some of my other games if you get the time. You might well enjoy neon city rush. Its a two parter so quite long . Thank you again 

cheers for the feedback. The visuals were created in PowerPoint believe it or not. I do that for a job so always get a moment to look at some if the features. When your a solo dev u need to save time to get the 'right' look. So I drew the vector shapes and then exported those as images before running the filter in PP. You might enjoy the graphics in my game the Owl Witch too. I dud a similar thing. It's on my page. 🦉 🧙‍♀️  Enjoy it if u have time! Thanks again

thanks for the feedback. Oh the controls might have been an over sight by me. What u suggested might have been better. Felt more like swimming under water then which is quite a free and liberating experience 🤣 glad u liked the graphics however 🙂

Love this art style. You totally nailed it. Well done!!!

thank you. The visuals have seemed to have gone down well with players and fellow jammers. Please feel free to check out my other games on my page. The Owl Witch also has some interesting visuals.

oh no :( can I asked what broswer u were playing it in? Also if u wanted to play you could try a mobile 📱  it certainly seems to work better on that. 

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the game 🎮 🙌  I quite like the movement as you generally stay horizontal when u scuba dive. The game is super realistic remember haha.... not!!! Haha the graphic have been enjoyed by alot of people  which is great. Thank again for playing.

the intro is brilliant. Feels  modern but retro. The game play is  also fun. Quite alot to take on board and u must have done a tonne of work. Well done 👏 

not to worry. Are u a solo dev? I find this with my projects at times. I think something is well clear and it's not during  jam feedback. I have taught myself to keep things simple(mostly) and question... wohld other people understand this lol . The feedback u have received looks generally positive.  I think alot of people got it and enjoyed it so well done 👏 

Great visuals. Just wow!!! So polished and colourful. Well done! Great entry 

this game was fun. Could of been more varied. It was playing on mobile and it seemed to work well. Well done on a strong entry. I liked the artwork and the fact u could upgrade again and again to progress. 

Nice 2D.5 entry. The colours and art really have come together well. I think it could do with a catchy soundtrack to match. The web ve4sion looked good. Make sure to fix that typo after the jam as u said. Can be easy to forget these things haha . Well done 😄