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What a neat game! I've always like typing games, and this one was no exception

The timer snake's changing colour as time runs out is a great detail that tells the player how much pressure they have without having to look away from what they are typing. Your sound effects are perfect, you can actually feel your heart drop when the whiff plays.

There's also just something perfect about the fight descriptions. Like getting waylaid by a goblin and a woof, who are joined by a squirrel who is in a "fighting mood." Or by encountering a pirate, joined by a second pirate, and a third pirate shows up.

I do have a bug report for the 7DRL version w/ bug fixes: I could not seem to select the Ultra-Violence mode as the dash/hyphen was not recognized. Also I'm not sure if it's a bug or just working exactly as intended, but in the final fight if you focus the boss the game will immediately end when they're defeated.

Overall, great game!

Ah yes, the fixes in the "fixed" version broke the hyphen. It's solved in the latest version (1.01) though, which also has much better flow due to not having you type the exposition, only the combat.

The boss thing is known, theoretically the guards should not allow you to hit the boss while they're alive, but it was cut due to lack of time, so yeah, focus on the boss and you will win it quickly. Will be fixed eventually.