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(1 edit)

EDIT:  Never mind all that I guess! It's a mapping issue. Apparently there was ONE bastard key I hadn't tested and it is the apostrophe I need. It's just mapped really weird on my KB. It's on the ( ~ / ^ )key.

Derp I'm dumb. :D

Original reply
Yeah, it's probably something like that. And just to be extra clear about it, quotes(  ' /  "  ) work single-stroked it's just ´ or ` that behave like that, because those would be the accents. So mapping it to ` would have the same problem.  I can't seem to use single-quotes( ' ) in place of it, would that be by design or it's just my keyboard being wonky?

Ah, I'm glad it was solved, hopefully it's not too inconvenient and you can play the game like that.

I only tested it with regular English qwerty keyboard, didn't think of how many other configurations exist.