I’d say the game has too large size for first version. You should compress it in some way (reduce image quality and animations, if they are here). I was pissed off by constantly changing dialog panels. I mean player sees one text line, but after click this line disappears with the textbox as well. Try not hide the textbox with character name. It takes some time to hide and show the textbox, and that switches my attention from playing. The textbox can hide when the next character begins to talk. Don’t do this for one character.
I second this. The flickering textbox is really distracting and annoying. Also I'd like to add, you need to be careful with the colours chosen for peoples names in the text box. It's really easy for names to become hard to read against certain backgrounds
On the topic of the textbox, because of the way you have it set up, it makes the history function nearly useless. You have to scroll through all the empty space caused by the textbox coming and going