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Thanks for playing. The left bottom of the UI (the blue dots, bars) is mana, and is used for using jump abilities, and dashing. My guess is you couldn't jump enough because you either ran out of mana to jump in the air, or you ran out of air jumps, since you got a limited number of them (which resets after you land). The first bar is used for the other jump abilities, and the second bar is mana regeneration.

I'd like to know what you mean by rooms feeling out of place.

"Look forward to more. What do you plan on adding next?"

I'm happy to hear that. I have big plans for the game, side objectives, skill points, and character upgrades, character animations, more rooms, and of course lots of coom content, but of course I am not going to e able to make it all before the next DD. What I definitely need as well is audio, saving system, and some sort of tutorials, or "how to play"

Ah that makes sense. I played twice and it was just a confusing maze. If you want confusing maze then you got it, but typically dungeons have a layout and central room to be centered around. Sounds fun but a bit of hard work. A short tutorial on the mana would be awesome. Best of luck and see you next Demo Day!


Thanks, I definitely intend for players to get lost. By the way, I think your UI looks really good. See you at the next DD