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(1 edit)

Interesting! Understanding the way spiraling up/down works took a bit. Figuring out what kind of pathing would be most efficient is an interesting challenge. Something kind of minor I think you could have done is make at least winning runs replace the restart option with sleep or something to make it seem more like it's all part of same continuum and each run is just another day.

Also thanks for reminding me about Lirael, reading it gave me bunch of cool ideas I'd almost forgotten about.

Thank you! That was exactly my plan - with a different number of turns at a given day, more variability of actions, locked doors, and other ideas. Alas, I had to cut the scope to meet the deadline and deliver a game you can play, lose, win and have some fun with it.

Cool, just to be clear while all that sounds awesome I'd have been happy with just the text of the restart option being different.