My pleasure ! :-D This game is amazing and has the potential to become a masterpiece if you push it further ! You revisited match-3 games in a very clever way and the rogue-like mechanics work really well.
I know that the skill was named after a trump card and not Donald Trump, but I thought it was funny because the only color with issues is the orange one !
I forgot to mention it, but I am pretty sure every time the queue got stuck there was a bird enemy on the map (that could then run away or kill me if it happened when I am in front of it). Maybe because it moves pretty fast compared to other enemies ?
Inner demon is sooo satisfying, but it also kind of spoils the challenge. However in the current version it became mandatory at some point with so many enemies spawning.
I think locking a skill when you get the other one would probably feel unfair for the player and kind of ruin the fun. That's why I suggested adding more colors, because the more you have the harder it is to make infinite combos even with powerful skill combinations. But the neutral tiles is a good idea too ! They're not incompatible so maybe both then ? I guess with these solutions you will just have to be careful and check that the player cannot get soft-lock with no match possibility at all because that would be very frustrating to clear the board and be punished for it.
30 new skills !? :-D I love this game more and more !
I hate the cocatrix though xD I had around 150 HP at lvl 70, but one spawned on the tile next to mine and one-shot me before I could do anything because I didn't have the possibility to get rid of it immediately. :-p
Do you plan to add new enemies as well ? There are a lot of possibilities with fantasy bestiaries !
Have a nice day.